the story discussion and speculation thread *Spoiler warning*

edited February 2007 in Sam & Max
ok so far we have seen 3 episodes and i have yet to see anykind of story speculation thread, i think there is one for either of the first 2 episodes, but i have not seen one for the overall storyline............ (or at least not any offical one)

please feel free to add to, discuss, or debate anything that you think reveals more of the story

so far i think that hugh bliss has something to do with the hypnosis, because he just seams too weird to be placed in the game for no reason (i also think that he is a real alien)

i also noticed that harry (the mole) is in episode one, his picture is on the "success story" poster on the left of the exterior for the home for former child is it possible that harry was acting under hypnosis when he was operating the ted-e-bear casino................ and that agant chuckles was really the one in charge (or acting under someone else)? and harry was under his control.....


  • edited February 2007
    Wow, nice catch with the success stories.

    Emetics/Prismatology is on the TV commercial in Episode 1, Hugh Bliss and his Emetics books are in Episode 2 (and if you play the Millionaire game the right way, you learn that he has flying abilities) and Hugh Bliss is on the billboard in Episode 3. That's all I got.
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