Can the episodes be combined into one executable game for the season set?

edited February 2007 in Sam & Max
Will the episodes remain as seperate games on the CD? Can they be combined into one game executable? I would like the option to play all episodes from beginning to end, without having to exit and start a different game executable. The episodes are so short, that exiting and restarting another is very disjointing and ruins the mood. I would like each episode to flow right into the next one, with no credits appearing between them nor other distractions. Just like a full game should be. (ie. Sam N' Max Hit The Road.)


  • edited February 2007
    I can't imagine they'll make six separate CDs when all six games could easily fit on one.
  • edited February 2007
    He meant a single .exe file as compared to 6 seperate ones
  • edited February 2007
    ShaggE wrote: »
    He meant a single .exe file as compared to 6 seperate ones

    Aha. I see now.
  • edited February 2007
    Well, there has been a lot of things said that imply that although the games may still be separate, they will be linked together by a universal launcher. You may not be able to do much about the credits, though.
    edited February 2007
    Well, for one, you'd miss the end credits songs, which would be a tragedy. You'd also miss the tiny differences in the opening credits, like the different sax cue. Finally, you also need to realize that there's also some time passing between episodes, so you'd at least need a "one month later" or "several days later" screen between the episodes.

    However, I WOULD like a nice menue to chose episodes, interrim videos, etc.
  • edited February 2007
    I also would love the whole first season in a single game... :)
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    Speaking as someone who is NOT a developer and NOT privvy to the developers' thoughts on this issue... I suspect the games won't be combined into one exe. They are six separate games, with six separate sets of assets, game logic, etc. I don't think it's as easy as stringing them together, you'd need to copy all of the resources for each of the games into one big game, which would be a lot of work and has the potential to introduce a lot of problems. Plus, as others pointed out, you'd lose the nuances of the opening and closing sequences.

    Six big games with one launcher is something we've talked about a lot, but I think attempting to put the six games into one file would be more trouble than it's worth.
  • edited February 2007
    Actually, I'm curious as to what they'd do with the change of voice between episodes one and two. It seems odd for someone buying the whole season to notice the voice actor change in the middle.

    Though it would be a shame if they re-recorded the 1st episode, because the voice there was great! (though I like the new voice as well)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    Given how few people in the grand scheme of thing actually seemed to notice or care, I don't know if anything will be done. Pilot episodes frequently feature casting slightly different from the bulk of the series, and this is no different :)
  • edited February 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Given how few people in the grand scheme of thing actually seemed to notice or care, I don't know if anything will be done. Pilot episodes frequently feature casting slightly different from the bulk of the series, and this is no different :)


    This goes with other stuff that uses voice acots. AS long as the voices aren't noticeable to the general public, the studio would not re record them. I know that the talking skeletor and he-man figures that was released in 03, before the new cartoon, had phrases from the 80's show. HOwever, when the new cartoon was aired, Mattel redid the voices for the talking He-man, who now had the voice from the 03 cartoon (the voice actor for he-man in the newer series was done by Cam Clarke, the dude who also voiced freddy pharkis) However, skeletor remained the same since the new voice actor sounded a lot like the original.)
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