Excellent job, Jared!

edited February 2007 in Sam & Max
Haven't played ep3 yet, but I must talk big about the music in it! It's absolutely the best one so far, and I love every little piece of it! I hope the music keeps getting better and better. It's SO awesome.

Thanks both to Telltale and Jared for bringing out this third episode! I WILL eventually play it (when I've finished off ep2 ;) )


    edited February 2007
    Yep, the music is once again gorgeous! The game wouldn't be half as stylish if you turned the speakers of!
  • edited February 2007
    Best game score since Grim Fandango (and Shenmue 2) to me... I really love music (I'm the kind of man who buy soundtracks without even see movies :P) and here, it's gorgeous yes :) very well done tracks, far away from other games for me (every styles, from fps to RPG, I love Tera Theme for example, but here we have a melody but also a very clean and "human" (oppositing to synthetic ones) touch...

    Awesome :)
  • edited February 2007
    tremendous job :)
  • edited February 2007
    As a trumpet player, I love this soundtrack.

    This one had some screaming high notes that the first 2 eps didn't have... I say, "More screaming high notes!"
  • edited February 2007
    I remember the discussions back when TellTale announced "Sam & Max" for the first time. Being a huge fan of what the Land/Bajakian/McConnell trio created for "Hit the Road", I - as many others - were worried if the music of the new game series would live up to it. Then the Office-theme from "Culture Shock" got released and I was convinced right away. But with Episode 3 Jared really topped what he's done before (even the fantastic "Soda Poppers"-theme), especially with the "Toy Factory"-theme, clocking in at nearly 6 minutes and featuring some of the coolest brass-sections I've heard in a long time. The decision to pick real musicians for these tracks was definitely the perfect example of resources well spent.

    I won't go back to my usual "I want a Season 1 soundtrack release"-banter, because with this episode's music Jared basically turned the discussion - whether a soundtrack release makes sense or not - into redundancy.

    Thank you so much, Jared!
    edited February 2007
    A little bit of topic, but if I remember correctly, I've read somewehere that Jared will also write the music for Autumn Moon's A Vampyre Story.
  • edited February 2007
    The music was indeed fantastic, the composition in the back room of the casino made me want to crack walnuts with my hands and say "May your first child be a masculine child." to random people :P
  • edited February 2007
    LGH wrote: »
    A little bit of topic, but if I remember correctly, I've read somewehere that Jared will also write the music for Autumn Moon's A Vampyre Story.

    That'd be awesome news.

  • edited February 2007
    Can anyone source the Jared-Autumn Moon connection? I know that some demo music for A Vampyre Story was composed by a guy named Zach Quarles (which you can hear here), but then Bill Tiller said something about a replacement composer due to lack of availability. I've also seen the name Brooks White in association with AVS music.

    EDIT: Okay, this is from the AD Conference, which I believe is the latest official word we've heard about the music:
    Well we have six piece of music done by Zachery Quarles and some FMV music by Brooks white. But that was just for our demo. Generally one doesn’t start music till all the locations and production schedule is done, or all the FMV story reels are done. So Music won’t get into full swing for a while, and that is normal.

    Also some details about the team for those interested:
    We have myself doing art direction, backgrounds, textures, game design, producing and story boards.
    Then we have Amy Tiller, my wife. She is doing production work and office management.
    Next we have Bill Eaken doing games design, character design, and background art.
    Dave Harris is doing some game design and writing most of the dialogue.
    Paul Mica was doing character designs for many of the main characters.
    Anson Jew did the open cut scene storyboards.
    Craig Rundels is doing the 3d modeling and textures for characters, props and sets.
    Kris Brown will be doing the voice recording for us.
    Bay Area Sound formed but a lot of ex Lucas sound and music producers will be doing our music.
    Livia Knight will be doing prop and set models.

    Some non Lucas Arts members of our team are:
    Aaron St John of Golden goose game, making our engine.
    Jean Louis Sirois is helping us do character designs and facial animation.
    Jimmy Almeida did all our basic animations, and will be doing a lot more of them.

    And that is basically our current team. We will be adding to that team quite a bit in the coming months. And some people will roll of once their roles are complete. But that is the latets up to date list.

    But back to Jared!
    edited February 2007
    Maybe I've just read Bay Area and deduced that Jared would do it then.
  • edited February 2007
    especially with the "Toy Factory"-theme, clocking in at nearly 6 minutes and featuring some of the coolest brass-sections I've heard in a long time.

    You know, that track has become one of my most beloved videogame soundtracks ever. I've extracted it using the Quick & Easy tool (which has been approved by Telltale, if I'm not mistaken) and I keep listening to it on a daily basis. It's got the power to make me happy even when I'm down. Unfortunately the original OGG doesn't feature the same quality of an official MP3, so I hope Jared will be posting the high-quality version of the Toy Factory Theme ASAP. Wonderful, wonderful work. :D
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    LGH wrote: »
    Maybe I've just read Bay Area and deduced that Jared would do it then.

    No, you got that part right - Jared is the person who writes music for Bay Area Sound.
  • edited February 2007
    Udvarnoky wrote: »
    Can anyone source the Jared-Autumn Moon connection? I know that some demo music for A Vampyre Story was composed by a guy named Zach Quarles (which you can hear here), but then Bill Tiller said something about a replacement composer due to lack of availability.
    A humorous little aside: one thing Zachary Quarles' resume doesn't list is that after doing the sound for Soldier of Fortune 2, he left Raven Software for Branson, MO and starred as a giant tomato in a stage version of VeggieTales before returning to Raven as Audio Lead on Quake 4.
  • edited February 2007
    A humorous little aside: one thing Zachary Quarles' resume doesn't list is that after doing the sound for Soldier of Fortune 2, he left Raven Software for Branson, MO and starred as a giant tomato in a stage version of VeggieTales before returning to Raven as Audio Lead on Quake 4.

    So THAT'S who I should blame for SOF2's weapons sounding like toy guns... A religious tomato.... :p
  • edited February 2007
    ShaggE wrote: »
    So THAT'S who I should blame for SOF2's weapons sounding like toy guns... A religious tomato.... :p
    Har har. Actually, you can blame the bean-counter types at Activision and Raven management for that one. Quarles really wanted to record actual weapons at a firing range for SoF2's weapon effects, but was never given sufficient funding or approval and had to make do with what was available. While I did eventually make (and release) my own custom sound pack that replaced a lot of the weapon sounds, I still think he did a commendable job.
  • edited February 2007
    Definitely, I'm not seriously criticizing him, all my serious critiques of SOF2 are directed at the shoddy AI and horrendously buggy design :P. (Don't get me wrong, the game is quite fun, I still play it online alot)

    Activision has always been the kind to cut costs, though. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1-3 comes to mind... (Slightly tweaked gameplay does not make a sequel lol)
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