Frankly, your spoiler mod is kind of hacky

edited February 2007 in Site Support
Look at a couple of these scenarios:

And this:
Google extra text

and look how the text of the URL becomes invisible even when I reveal the spoiler, and I visit the link rather than reveal the spoiler when I click on the link portion.

And you can't turn the spoiler hiding back on if you want to

You'll have to quote the post to see what I did.

Can we have a better spoiler implementation?

And code tags that turn off interpretation of BBcode?

So they don't look like:


  • edited February 2007
    Personally though valid issue, I feel that the TellTale staff better use their time for continued development of their games, rather then worry about minor glitches on a forum.

    Besides, how often are you going to put a spoiler tag with a hyper link in it (Sam didn't we see this on . I do see the possible malicious use for it...but I also can see a possible malicious use of a butter knife.
  • edited February 2007
    No, the problem I'm getting at is when, say, I want to show a link to another thread, but that thread is a spoiler... So I'd like to be able to put that link in a spoiler... But I can't properly right now...

    I don't care nearly as much about the code issue, though, just for the record. But last I checked, Telltale has several people for whom their entire job is to do things like this. ;)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007

    Though it may not improve performance, I think our spoiler mod adds a certain attitude that you just can't get from stock parts.

  • edited February 2007
    Originally I thought it would be a very simple fix, but looks like you can't define a, a:hover in an inline style. Can still be a somewhat workable mod, but you'd have to script up something to look for all a tags within the span tag and add styles to them.
    <span style="color:white; background-color:white; cursor: help; 
    border: 1px #5656ef dashed;" 
    <a href="" target="_blank">
    <span style="color:white; background-color:white; cursor: help; 
    border: 1px #5656ef dashed;" 
    <a href="" target="_blank" 
    [B]style="color:white; background-color:white; cursor: help; 
    border: 1px #5656ef dashed;" 
  • edited February 2007
    It's fine if you don't want to change it, but I know that there are other spoiler mods out there for vBulletin that do a better job, because I frequent another board that uses vBulletin, and it has an entirely different spoiler mod.

    In case you're interested, it's
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    I'm fairly lazy... can you point me to a thread there with a spoiler?

    Ours is homespun by Doug, and was done in a matter of minutes.
  • MelMel
    edited February 2007
    Here's a thread and a specific post. That forum has the coolest avatars! :)

    I know Deep Silver forums has the hide/show thing too. I'm just showing the examples by the way and not entering the debate as to the functionality of Doug's home PHP cooking (which is very tasty I'm sure). :p
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    Ah those are cool. I prefer having spoilers display inline
    in the middle of your sentences
    , though, which those don't do.
  • edited February 2007
    That site has a couple really cool webcomics, too.
  • edited February 2007
    Actually--my code is bad.
  • edited February 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Ah those are cool. I prefer having spoilers display inline
    in the middle of your sentences
    , though, which those don't do.

    Well, if you like yours better, that's fine by me. Just pointing out that there are easily accessible alternatives.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    I'm not saying it couldn't be improved :P It was whipped up by Doug fairly quickly so that we'd have one at all. I just like certain aspects of ours better than others.
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