New BTTF website info - discussion (SPOILERS)

edited December 2010 in Back to the Future
Some thoughts on the new info that was released on tonight (I'll spoiler tag the rest of this post for those who don't want to know any info about the game before they play, and I encourage any posters after me to do the same):
- For months, I assumed that each episode would take place in a brand new time period, but now I guess that's not the case (that's the problem with assumptions, you make an ass out of... well, you know). It sounds like it'll be:

Ep. 1: 1931
Ep. 2: 1931
Ep. 3: 1986-A
Ep. 4: 1986-A and 1931
Ep. 5: ???

Honestly, I don't have any problems with this, since the first movie took place mostly in 1955, and the third mostly in 1885. So, it sounds like the game will take place mostly in 1931 and 1986-A. I guess doing four or five unique time periods would have just made the game and story too complicated to make.

- Who's the woman pictured on episode 4? Clara? It doesn't really look like her. A new character, then?

- I like Young Doc's voice better in the new sound clips than the ones we saw in the GameTrailers show. These new lines sound more Doc-ish to me.

- I still like George's voice.

- I'm lukewarm on Biff's voice, but only because the lines are of "Wimpy Biff". Once we hear "Bully Biff", I'll be able to make a better assessment. The concept art for Biff and Kid Tannen both look great, though.

- Doc's line about the tremendous explosion made me laugh, even though it probably wasn't supposed to.

- The description for episode 1 says that the DeLorean that reappears is the one that Marty "saw destroyed by a speeding train". So, it is the same DeLorean?!? That just makes things even more confusing than if it was a new DeLorean.


  • edited December 2010
    I still think we get to visit more than 3 time periods.
    In the behind the scenes vid the director said " get to go throuw all kinds of different time periods".

    I still think we get to see 1885. Judging from the Facebook Blitz Game.

    I also think we're going back to 1985 judging from the Twin Pine Mall and Lone Pine Mall art.
    And why the hell are there Art designs for both periods?

    You know what I think? I think there is a chance Doc took the car right around or after Btt1.
    So everything that happened in BttF2 and 3 is undone for the moment.
    Then at the end of the game Doc has to return the DeLorean to the time he got it from.

    Drat...not possible. The wedding ring still indicates he got married.

    Bottom line: I am sure there is more in store for us than only 2 time periods.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm *really* curious about who the woman is in the episodes section. My gut reaction was Clara as well (because let's face it, the only other prominent women in the series are Lorianne and Jennifer and they're... hm), but who knows. I'm kinda hoping it is her, though.
  • edited December 2010
    Are the spoiler tags necessary?
    The topic title already has a warning and we're just discussing pre-release stuff.

    And I think the woman is related to Marty. Maybe Lorraine's mom. The eyes look the same. :P
  • edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    Are the spoiler tags necessary?
    For us? No. I just did it as a courtesy for those who want to avoid all info about the game before playing and might stumble upon this thread somehow. Especially because the episode descriptions are major spoilers of what happens in the game, and I kind of wish I hadn't read them myself. :cool:
  • edited December 2010
    I have a problem; this didnt happen on my laptop, but it is happening on my desktop, and I'm using the same internet browser. When I click the About, Characters or Episodes buttons they don't do anything! What's the problem?
  • edited December 2010
    More importantly than all of that..who is "First Citizen Brown"??? Is this a different Doc? The synopsis also says in episode 5 we will go through Hill Valley's past, present and future. These episodes must be huge! I'm so excited for this game!
  • edited December 2010
    I have a problem; this didnt happen on my laptop, but it is happening on my desktop, and I'm using the same internet browser. When I click the About, Characters or Episodes buttons they don't do anything! What's the problem?

    I'm having the same problem only I'm on a laptop. Anyone know whats wrong?
  • edited December 2010
    I thought the women may be some relation of Jennifer, since episode two mentions that Marty's girlfriend may be 'erased from the future'.
    I have to say the young Doc voice is much better too bad I can say the same thing about Biff's.
  • edited December 2010
    Maybe you guys having problems need to download the latest version of Flash?

    Edit: Also, Biff sounds perfectly fine to me, just to add a little balance to the discussion. When I say a word, I don't say it the exact same way every time, so KidBeyond not saying 'butthead' exactly like Tom Wilson doesn't bother me.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm taking the 'past, present, future' comment from the episode description as proof we'll get to return to 2015 :D

    Or maybe I'm reading too much into it. However, if they rehash previous timeline periods then I feel 2015 is the one with the most potential.

    I mean we only get to see like 20 minutes of that amazing timeline.
  • edited December 2010
    In the concept art of Biff and Kid Tannen they look like a dog chewing a toffee.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm taking the 'past, present, future' comment from the episode description as proof we'll get to return to 2015

    Doesn't necessarily have to mean we'll be heading to 2015.
    It could be they are referring to the future of any period you have visited in the game.
    Like 1986 being the future of '31. So the sentence could be interpreted that you are going back and forth through all periods.
  • edited December 2010
    jp-30 wrote: »
    so KidBeyond not saying 'butthead' exactly like Tom Wilson doesn't bother me.
    Yes, and also to be fair to him, we never heard "Wimpy Biff" say "butthead" in the movies, so we don't know how "Wimpy Biff" would say it. Now, if "Bully Biff's" "butthead" is off... then we have a problem.
    In the concept art of Biff and Kid Tannen they look like a dog chewing a toffee.
    And George McFly looks like he got hit in the face with a frying pan. But as we saw in the trailer, the 3D model looks fine. I wouldn't read too much in to the faces on the concept art.
  • edited December 2010
    And people said Doc looks like a zombie. :D
  • edited December 2010
    I find myself very critical of this new Biff. I feel that the voice actor is a slacker of the highest degradation. I'll not stand for such toddlewagging, harumph harumph harumph harumph, wot wot. It curls my whiskers, but I shall suffer through it because everything else looks to be of the highest caliber. Keep up the good efforts, mentlegen, gibbity gibbity.

  • edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    Doesn't necessarily have to mean we'll be heading to 2015.
    It could be they are referring to the future of any period you have visited in the game.
    Like 1986 being the future of '31. So the sentence could be interpreted that you are going back and forth through all periods.

    Like I said I'm jumping to conclusions out of sheer love for that time period :D

    Heck I've been tempted to buy the back to the future hoverboard replicas for a while now.

    But I think your right, however, if the 1930's is the only new time period for 5 episodes then I'm not going to be very excited, it isn't even that interesting a time period for me anyway, they could try a whole new century. But I guess it is limited to the United States history, so I guess we will never see Marty in the Edo period or the Momoyama period of Japan.
  • edited December 2010
    Marty in the Edo do see that work somehow.

    Owh and no I don't think 1931 will be the only period we'll be visiting and I am not ruling out a 2015 time period.
    In the Facebook Blitz Game you see images of a 1986, 1931, 1885 and 2015 Hill Valley.
  • edited December 2010
    Why do both George and Marty say "Believe me, I can handle him"? A bit repetitive, eh? Especially since they're talking to each other about the same subject. :confused:
  • edited December 2010
    A puzzle setup perhaps? The lines 'butthead' and 'try something' sound like they may be from a time based puzzles.
  • edited December 2010
    The DeLorean still seems to be a wild card as to where it comes from. I know it says on the site that Marty sees the DeLorean he saw destroyed reappear, but there are far too many logistical problems with it being the same car.

    Biff...ehh, I kinda wish it was Tom Wilson, but this guy isn't bad.

    And that looks like Clara as the picture for Episode 4.

    I'm getting the feeling that Doc was exploring something in the past and inadvertently began to undo history and sent for Marty to help get things back together. But we'll find out soon enough! :D

    Oh, and AJ's "I hope you know what you're doin' Doc" is spot on perfect.
  • edited December 2010
    Yeah, I'm guessing only one instance of "I can handle him" would occur in each iteration of some puzzle, where you can either confront Biff yourself or send George to do it. You might end up hearing both lines but probably not in the same conversation.

    Also, based on the survey they did with a few plot ideas for the series, and based on the episode description that it's linked up with, I'm fairly sure that the unknown girl is [spoilers]Young Doc's dangerously distracting potential love interest, who might prevent him from pursuing a career in science[/spoilers]. There are a few directions that they could go with that character, so I'm curious to see how it's handled.
  • edited December 2010
    I think the DeLorean will disappear entirely in episode three ("time-stranded Marty") because "First Citizen Brown" would have never invented a time machine, and the "epic invention" they create in episode four is a new time machine.

    Also, is "First Citizen Brown" supposed to be like Big Brother? Are they going to riff on "1984"? The only problem I see with that is there's nothing in Doc's personality that suggests that even if he did have the opportunity to run a society, it would be totalitarian.
  • edited December 2010
    Couple of things.

    Marty runs to get Jennifer in BttF III before he heads back and sees the D'Lorean hit by the train - so during that period of time it could have been switcheroo'd.

    Who is the mysterious, currently unseeable, character on the website?

    It's got the same shape as Marty...could it be older Marty as played by MJF himself?!?! (I believe squee is the appropriate noise at this juncture).

  • edited December 2010
    That woman? Yeah, it's not Clara.
  • edited December 2010
    m0r1arty wrote: »
    Marty runs to get Jennifer in BttF III before he heads back and sees the D'Lorean hit by the train - so during that period of time it could have been switcheroo'd.
    No, it gets hit by the train right away when Marty returns to 1985 (remember, the pretty dramatic scene with Marty jumping out of the DeLorean at the last second?).
    That woman? Yeah, it's not Clara.
    Cool, our first look at a new character!

    Also, Alan, I sent you a Private Message. Can you please take a look?
  • edited December 2010
    Where are you guys finding this concept art ? I can't find any on the forums or TTG site ;(
  • edited December 2010
    GeorgeC wrote: »
    Where are you guys finding this concept art ? I can't find any on the forums or TTG site ;( Click "Characters" and "Episodes" (though be aware that there are spoilers).
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2010
    That woman? Yeah, it's not Clara.

    If they regress to the plot ideas from the early survey, it's most likely the "gold digger" woman who tries force Doc into marriage in the late 30s. Worst case scenario, also a Tannen relative. Geez, I hope not. :(

    I'm not too happy with the short episode descriptions, but we'll see how it plays out in the episodes. At the time, I fear that this season is getting a distinct "Sliders" feel, or even worse, the feeling of the BTTF Cartoon series.
  • edited December 2010
    markeres wrote: » Click "Characters" and "Episodes" (though be aware that there are spoilers).

    Thanks, I'll check it out (with my anti spoiler goggles)
  • edited December 2010
    Episode 4 sounds like it could be that sample plot we heard of in the survey a few months back. When young Emmett is about to give up science for this woman. Maybe this new character IS that woman, since the description talks about "Marty and 1980's Doc must stop young Emmett from making the biggest mistake of his life."

    Also, why do I get the feeling that Nicki Rapp will be voicing that character? This new character has a sort-of...Morgan-Esque feeling to her.

    Good to see Kid Beyond/Andrew Chaikin voicing Biff, even though you couldn't get Tom Wilson, Chaikin has made the name for himself as "The man of a thousand voices", so I think he sounds great so far. George also sounds good. I think the repetitive line of "I can handle him" will be similar to the first movie, in which the "rejection" line is used by both Marty and George. Still, I'm most looking forward to AJ's performance as Marty more than Lloyd's. I mean, I expected Lloyd to sound excellent, but AJ is the absolute best Marty voice we could've gotten. James Arnold Taylor as Young Doc sounds...amazing.

    This is almost certainly gonna be the best voice cast in a Telltale game. Just throw Dominic Armato in there somewhere and it will be!
  • edited December 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    No, it gets hit by the train right away when Marty returns to 1985 (remember, the pretty dramatic scene with Marty jumping out of the DeLorean at the last second?).

    IT's been a long time since I watched III, I guess I remember it wrong.

    Still, how can it be the same D'Lorean?!?

  • edited December 2010
    m0r1arty wrote: »
    IT's been a long time since I watched III, I guess I remember it wrong.

    Still, how can it be the same D'Lorean?!?


    Well, Doc originally wanted it destroyed, but maybe he figured what the hell, and taped it back together
  • edited December 2010

    Well maybe it could have been sent to Marty from a time when it wasnt being used in the past, then at some point in the game Marty has to send the DeLorean back to where it came from so it can eventually be destroyed and avoid a paradox.
  • edited December 2010
    Okay, it could have been the D'Lorean whilst old Biff is talking to young Biff about the almanac...somehow Doc is there and sends it to Marty to send back once he's finished with it. Perhaps a note to his 1955 self, or 1985 self, from the 1931 trapped older self to type in certain instructions and make no mention of it to 1955 or 1985 Marty.

    That's why 1985 Doc is so late in showing up to free 1985 Marty from 1955 Biff's garage.

    It makes perfect sense!

    Any update or thoughts yet upon who the darkened Marty is under the characters section?

  • edited December 2010

    Maybe its Marty McFly Jr from BTTF 2, I mean that did look exactly like each other and they were about the same age.
  • edited December 2010
    Could be, but I've a feeling when they revisit 2015 they'll see that iPods are the only difference between 1985 and 2015 - so Marty Junior will be a different character surely?

    I think it's future Marty (Voiced by Michael J himself) who will explain something wonderful, surreal and enticing so that we all buy BttF: The Game (Part 2) next year :)

  • edited December 2010
    My theory for the Delorean coming back is that it is a Delorean from a point in time where Doc's invention of time travel was discovered and marketed into a product for civillians so everyone has a time machine Delorean. That just seems to be the most logical explanation for the Delorean reappearing.
  • edited December 2010
    what im wondering is how did the DeLorean get to Marty with noone in it?
  • edited December 2010
    That remote control the Doc had in BttF has had a few upgrades.

  • edited December 2010
    m0r1arty wrote: »
    the mysterious, currently unseeable, character on the website?

    It's got the same shape as Marty...could it be older Marty as played by MJF himself?!?! (I believe squee is the appropriate noise at this juncture).

    Maybe it's just a placeholder shadow?
    It's a mystery... :D
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