Personally I get more annoyed at people who take things way too seriously when it's just something silly. And what's worse is then when you express that they should simmer down, they go all like "lol calm down it's just the Internet".
I do have to say that some people should realize that the internet isn't always something to be taken seriously. It's the reason there's so much stupid shit on here like cat videos and stuff. Yeah, the internet can be serious, but let's face it, I'd guess at the very lowest, 95% of the regulars here use the majority of their time on the internet for not serious things.
I don't even think that when people are getting worked up about things that don't really matter, it's not even important that it's the Internet. Like... People debating how justified Snape from Harry Potter was. If they're just debating it for fun, then I think it's rude to tell them to stop it, but I've seen flame wars on that subject, which is when it goes too far.
There's not much I dislike about the internet itself; it's the users that annoy me. Firstly, there are probably too many of them, and over 50% of them are idiots - complete idiots who really shouldn't be allowed to access and use such a thing as the internet. Honestly, I think that you should have some sort of license in order to use the internet. It would be for the greater good of the web if there was such a system.
There's not much I dislike about the internet itself; it's the users that annoy me. Firstly, there are probably too many of them, and over 50% of them are idiots - complete idiots who really shouldn't be allowed to access and use such a thing as the internet. Honestly, I think that you should have some sort of license in order to use the internet. It would be for the greater good of the web if there was such a system.
I R confused how does the internet thing work? lol
Im so sick of seeing ppl saying Fake on wrestling vids EVERYONE KNOWS ITS FAKE! people watch it like any other show! no one keeps pointing out the simpsons is fake.
Youtube comments are also really starting to get up my nose. I can't click onto one video without seeing a comment about J***** B***** or about the amount of dislikers. I see dozens of comments about people apparently 'jizzing themselves', and I'm still spotting the occasional "FIRST COMMENT!!!1!". The latter two that I mentioned have been going on for a while, but the other two have only just been popping up this year, mostly because of the new format. As much as I like the new format of Youtube, I must admit that it really has brought in a new wave of idiotic posting.
Whenever I read a comment on Youtube saying "DONT READ THIS!!! OK NOW YOU'VE READ IT YOU MUST CARRY ON" or the like, I just stop at "DONT READ THIS" and carry on watching the video
I admit there are two reasons I complain about Beiber.
1. I feel like he ripped off of the song LoveFool
2. His voice. It literally causes me pain. It hurts my ears. It seriously hurts to listen to Justin Beiber.
I admit there are two reasons I complain about Beiber.
1. I feel like he ripped off of the song LoveFool
2. His voice. It literally causes me pain. It hurts my ears. It seriously hurts to listen to Justin Beiber.
I could also list my endless amount of reasons to complain about him, but it's just easier pretending he doesn't exist; it's the best way to deal with it.
People mirroring anime intros/ending videos on youtube. It's ****ing annoying, why the hell even do that?! Just because it's mirrored it won't make it less likely to get deleted for copyright infringement if they ever care to do it
Bad connections that corrupt everything you attempt to download. :P
Amongst online communities, what mostly annoys me is when people get all "hater" or "grammar nazi" on each other, or provoke a troll to do more trolling.
By "hater" I mean those people that flame a fad (along with the fans) for being overrated. If they don't like it when people give it attention, aren't they being a little contradictory by doing it themselves...?
As for grammar nazis... I'm talking about when people correct each other in quite a rude way, as if their intention is to be snobby or make the other person stupid. When people want to point out a flaw they should ask themselves if it's really necessary to do so, and to make sure they do it politely.
I guess the reason overwhelming Justin Bieber hate annoys me is that it's starting to become the "If you disagree with my views, you're a NAZI!" of the music world. You guys, just because I think Papa Roach is ridiculous doesn't mean I think Justin Bieber should be taken any more seriously.
I hate that
I think I meant casual recreational activities that doesn't sustain an individual.
I R confused how does the internet thing work? lol
AKA every youtube comment for anything cool.
Im so sick of seeing ppl saying Fake on wrestling vids EVERYONE KNOWS ITS FAKE! people watch it like any other show! no one keeps pointing out the simpsons is fake.
I WAS JUST COMPLAINING ABOUT THIS TO TOPE LAST NIGHT. It almost makes me want to become a Justin Bieber fan just to spite people.
No please dont go to the dark side.
1. I feel like he ripped off of the song LoveFool
2. His voice. It literally causes me pain. It hurts my ears. It seriously hurts to listen to Justin Beiber.
I also meant in general the comments saying "12 ppl got hit with a pie to the face" if its about clowns hitting with pies and it got 12 thumbs down.
I could also list my endless amount of reasons to complain about him, but it's just easier pretending he doesn't exist; it's the best way to deal with it.
Having nostalgic feelings is one thing, bashing the later installments because they aren't like the original is just plain stupid.
I just hate people who go like "BAW, BAW, THEY CHANGED IT NOW IT SUCKS", only to go and make them go "BAW, BAW, IT'S THE SAME NOW IT SUCKS".
Also, has anyone seen this?
Amongst online communities, what mostly annoys me is when people get all "hater" or "grammar nazi" on each other, or provoke a troll to do more trolling.
By "hater" I mean those people that flame a fad (along with the fans) for being overrated. If they don't like it when people give it attention, aren't they being a little contradictory by doing it themselves...?
As for grammar nazis... I'm talking about when people correct each other in quite a rude way, as if their intention is to be snobby or make the other person stupid. When people want to point out a flaw they should ask themselves if it's really necessary to do so, and to make sure they do it politely.
Trollin' along?
I just hate flame wars that keep going for two pages even though one side has clearly lost the arguement. :P
I never new Justin Bieber was on these forums lol
Actually, no. Sure he has a somewhat annoying voice, but he's only 16 or so. His voice could improve as he ages.
Doesn't mean I necessarily like him or anything, I just don't see how he's "bad". He sings on-key, and I bet he can sing live.
I know an 11 year old with a deaper voice than him.
Sush you. :P
I just hate it when it's slow, not much else.
I know somone who lost their tounge in and still have a deaper voice then him
Woa...for a second there I read it as diaper voice. lol