You wont if you floss, brush your teeth, and use mouth wash and go to the dentist regularily. I do not drink chocolate milk everyday, but I can tell you that I have NEVER had a cavity in my life!!!
All that effort just for a Back to the Future drinking game? I think that takes the fun out of the game.
"C'mon, Einy. Hey, hey, hey. Get in there, boy. That'a boy. In you go, get down, get your seatbelt on, that's it."
The appropriate question is when the hell are they! You see Einstein has just become the worlds first time traveler. I sent him into the future, one minute into the future to be exact. And at exactly 121am we shall catch Upto him and the time machine
Wait a minute. Wait a minute... Doc, are you telling me that you built a time machine...out of a DeLorean?
(Cool, we're actually going forward with this! I'm in!)
"The way I see it, if you're going to build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style? Besides, the stainless steel construction made the flux dispersal-" *alarm on watch goes off* "Look out!" *pushes Marty out of the way*
Doc: "No need for concern. It's probably just a minor miscalibration of the time circuits. Marty could you get my notebook? It should be in the toolbox."
(and if you click Doc again)
Doc: "No time to talk, Marty. Go of to the toolbox and get me that notebook."
(if you choose the yellow container)
Marty: "What's in the box?"
Doc: "Don't touch that! Thats plutonium!"
Marty: ""Uh...p, plutonium!?"
Doc: "How do you think I genarate 1.21 gigwatts of power."
(Just covering all the bases, most people miss those two, before we move on.)
Doc: "My latest invention. The thing that makes time travel posible! In this notebook, I've detailed the nearly three decades of scientific breakthroughs, necessary to build a working time machine. If it ever fell into the wrong hands, the consequences could be catastrophic!!"
(I don't remember the next equasion part...that and which answer is Marty going to say? (I'm partial to 3, with the Lybans coming))
"Let's see, if mass equals i times z, and E equals the square root of z times c squared and the flux dispersal rate is inversely proportional to the fourth root of n, carry the nine...then..." *Doc trails off*
"Doc, something's way off here..."
"Consequences could be...catastrophic...Whoa, déjà vu."
"Doc, shouldn't we get out of here before the Libyans show up?"
All that effort just for a Back to the Future drinking game? I think that takes the fun out of the game.
"C'mon, Einy. Hey, hey, hey. Get in there, boy. That'a boy. In you go, get down, get your seatbelt on, that's it."
STEAK STEAK eat it eat it.
Shrimp shrimp need it need it.
Steak and shrimp steak and shrimp neeto neeto eat it eat it!
My sister is watching Jonah a veggietales movie and its a song in it. Just could not help myself!
Easy, easy. I wasn't accusing you of anything.
Happy 200th post.
Elmos world! Elmos world!
"Please note that Einstein's clock is in precise synchronization with my control watch. Got it?"
"Right, check Doc."
"Good. Have a good trip Einstein. Watch your head!" *closes the DeLorean's door*
"You got that thing hooked up to"
"Watch this."
Doc: "Watch this. Watch This!"
"Hot! Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ, Doc. You disintegrated Einstein!"
"Doc, what-what happened to the car?"
"Then where the hell are they?!"
"Wait a minute. Wait a minute...What are you talking about? A time machine?"
"Wait a minute. Wait a minute... Are you telling me that you put a dog inside a time machine...made out of a DeLorean?"
(Cool, we're actually going forward with this!
"The way I see it, if you're going to build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style? Besides, the stainless steel construction made the flux dispersal-" *alarm on watch goes off* "Look out!" *pushes Marty out of the way*
*starts walking forward* "Huh, that's peculiar..."
"Uh...where's the car, Doc?"
"It should have caught up with us," *looks at watch* "27 seconds ago..."
*walks up to Doc, starting to panic* "Doc, what happened to Einstein?!"
(and if you click Doc again)
Doc: "No time to talk, Marty. Go of to the toolbox and get me that notebook."
(if you choose the yellow container)
Marty: "What's in the box?"
Doc: "Don't touch that! Thats plutonium!"
Marty: ""Uh...p, plutonium!?"
Doc: "How do you think I genarate 1.21 gigwatts of power."
(Just covering all the bases, most people miss those two, before we move on.)
"No way, I'm not getting anywhere near that."
(Click 'toolbox')
*bends down and fishes through toolbox* "Notebook...notebook..." *stand up and opens it* "Got it." *flipping through pages* "Flux capacitor?"
(I don't remember the next equasion part...that and which answer is Marty going to say? (I'm partial to 3, with the Lybans coming))
"Doc, something's way off here..."
"Consequences could be...catastrophic...Whoa, déjà vu."
"Doc, shouldn't we get out of here before the Libyans show up?"
(EDIT: Thanks, BrakMan.)
Marty: "Doc, shouldn't we get out of here before the Lybans show up?"
(EDIT: no prob.)
*looks up at sky, then slowly at notbook*
*rubs back of neck* "Uh, Doc?"
Doc: "Great Scott!"
*Doc starts fading from existence and the notebook falls through his hands and hits the ground*