[BTTF quotes thread] I must play this game! It is my density



  • edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    I'd say playing the Kinect makes you look even more 'retarded'.
    I hate using that word...

    That's what I meant. I meant that the Wii has an excuse for silly gestures, you at least have a control in your hand. The Kinect...someone walks into the room and sees you jumping around flapping your arms, they're gonna think you've lost your mind. :p

    I don't mind motion control gaming as long as it's not too involved. The Wii is perfect. Whereas Kinect sometimes requires full body movement, the Wii just really requires wrist motion, and usually not very much of it. But that's also why I've got my PS3, so I can rest every once and a while. ;)

    "Here's the red letter date in the history of science. November 5, 1955."
  • edited December 2010
    "What, what's so funny?"

    "That was the day I invented time travel! I remember it vividly, I was hanging a clock. I was standing on the toilet, the porcelin was wet, I slipped and hit my head... but when I came to, I had a revelation... a vision... a picture in my head, a picture of this! This is what makes time travel possible: the flux capacitor."
  • edited December 2010
    "Be a pal will you, hand me the five/eighth inch wrench out of that toolbox?"

    "Five/eighths? Don't you mean, three/quarters?"
  • edited December 2010
    "Maybe, we'll bump into each other again sometime in the future."

    "Or in the past..."
  • edited December 2010
    That brings something to mind. You think maybe Doc suddenly remembered that encounter, so he knew what he needed to say? I think maybe so, just like I think that the time he told Marty to input for the DeLorean's final trip was no coincidence. I think it was his intention to tell Marty as soon as they arrived in 1985 to get out of the car and let the train hit it. Anyways...

    "He said he's my distant relative. I didn't see any resemblance."
  • edited December 2010
    No, I don't think so. Marty barely got out of the DeLorean alive it'd be more risky if Doc was there, too.

    "As a scientist, I can never take that risk."

    What always wonder why Doc didn't invent the time machine sooner, after gaining knowledge about it by helping rebuild it, you'd think it would have taken him less time... or maybe it did and he just pretends it didn't? Or maybe he finished it sooner but needed the plutonium fom the Libyans?

    "I never knew I could write anything so touching."
  • edited December 2010
    Remember though, there was plenty of time on the bridge and going across that intersection that Doc could have said "Marty, get out now!" But Clara had to come along and distract Doc. :p And 1955 Doc knew that in order to preserve the timeline, he would have to be pretty much ignorant about it. And all he really did was jury-rig the time circuit control tubes. Plus, they didn't have DeLoreans in 1955. :p

    "You, George McFly, have created a rift in the space-time continuum!"
  • edited December 2010
    Yeah, I guess, that's possible. I think, that if Clara had come with them, there would have been now way the three of them would have survived, though, so it's lucky that she didn't.

    "You make it sound so easy... I just wish I wasn't so scared."

    "There's nothing to be scared about, George. All it takes is a little self confidence. You know, if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything."
  • edited December 2010
    "See son, it's like I've always told you, if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything."

  • edited December 2010
    "It's like Docs always saying, if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything." :D
  • edited December 2010
    "Perfect. Just perfect."
  • edited December 2010
    "Pepsi Perfect."

    Edit: As an extra side note, I wish Soda bottles really looked like they did in BTTF2. Those Pepsi bottles were sweet!
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2010
    Yeah, but they also consisted of A LOT of plastic. Recycling obviously wasn't one of the strong points in the Bobs' vision of the future. ;)
  • edited December 2010
    Young Biff: Why don't you make like a tree and get out of here.

    Old Biff: It's leave, you idiot! "Make like a tree, and leave." You sound like a damn fool when you say it wrong.

    Young Biff: All right then, LEAVE! And take your book with you!
  • edited December 2010
    Marty: "DOC! DOC!!! Come here, Quick!"
    Doc: "What's wrong Marty? You look like you've seen a ghost."
    Marty: "Your not far off, Doc."
    Doc: (Sees tombstone) "Great Scott!"
    Marty: "Check this out. 'Died September 7, 1885'; thats one week after you wrote the letter. 'Erected in eternal memory by his beloved Clara'. Who the hell is Clara!?""
    Doc: "Marty, Please, don't stand there!!"
    Marty: "OH! Right! I gotta get another picture."
  • edited December 2010
    "Shot in the back? By Buford Tannen? Over a matter of eighty dollars?! What kind of a future do you call that?!"
  • edited December 2010
    ninja'd 'gain

    "He was quick on the trigger, and bragged that we had killed 12 men... not including indians or china men."
  • edited December 2010
    "The clothes fit?"

    "Yeah, everything except the boots Doc, they're kinda tight! I dunno, are you sure this stuff's authentic?"

    "Of course, haven't you ever seen a western?"

    "Yeah I have. But Clint Eastwood never wore anything like this."

    "Clint who?"

    *Marty makes a gesture to a couple of pre-western Clint Eastwood movies* "That's right. You haven't heard of him yet."
  • edited December 2010
    "Sure'n I hope you're considerin' the future, Mister Eastwood."

    "I think about it all the time."
  • edited December 2010
    "Wait, you have a brother named Martin McFly?"
  • edited December 2010
    It's my density.
  • edited December 2010
    "The consequences could be disastrous!"
  • edited December 2010
    "Do you know where Riverside Drive is?"

    "It's at the other end of town; block past Maple; east end of town."

    "A block past Maple, that's John F. Kennedy Drive."

    "Who the hell is John F. Kennedy?"
  • edited December 2010
    "If I never meet the woman, there's no chance of a romantic possibility, right?"

    "You're the doc, Doc."
  • edited December 2010
    "Wait, you have a brother named Martin McFly?"

    "HAD a brother. Martin use to let people provoke him into fighting. He was concerned people would think him a coward if he refused. Thats how he got a Bowie knife shoved through his belly in a saloon in Virgina City. Never considered the future, poor Martin, God rest his soul."
  • edited December 2010
    "My initials! Just like in Journey to the Center of the Earth! That must mean the time machine is buried right behind this wall!"
  • edited December 2010
  • edited December 2010
    "It's a nice telescope."
  • edited December 2010
    "You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me, Tannen?! Well I'm the only one here. Go ahead! Make my day."
  • edited December 2010
    Marty: "Woah, this is heavy!"

    Doc Brown: "There's that word again, heavy! Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the Earth's gravitational pull?"
  • edited December 2010
    "If things don't work out...when do you think I'll start to fade out?"

    "...Beats the shit outta me."
  • edited December 2010
    "The Doc can dance?"
  • edited December 2010
    "In the future...we all use things called automobiles.."
    "Whatta about walking?"
    "Walking?...we only do it for recreation."
    "FOR FUN?!"

    (That's pretty much correct right?)
  • edited December 2010
    "Is this a stick-up?"
    "It's a science experiment."
  • edited December 2010
    *Doc pulls train whistle*

    "I've wanted to do that my whole life!"
  • edited January 2011
    isco wrote: »
    "In the future...we all use things called automobiles.."
    "Whatta about walking?"
    "Walking?...we only do it for recreation."
    "FOR FUN?!"

    (That's pretty much correct right?)

    "And in the future, we don't use horses. We have motorized carriages called automobiles."
    "Well, if everybody's got one of these auto-whatsits, don't anybody walk or run no more?"
    "Of course we run, but for recreation, for fun."
    "Run for fun?! What the hell kinda fun is that?!"
  • edited January 2011
  • edited January 2011
    "I will shoot you down like a duck!"

    "...so make like a tree and GO!"
  • edited January 2011
    StarEye wrote: »
    "I will shoot you down like a duck!"

    "It's dog Buford. Shoot him down like a dog."
  • edited January 2011
    "I'm writing this down, this is good stuff."
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