A Musical Tribute - by SilverWolfPet and YOU (Launched! Page 11)



  • edited December 2010
    Hey guys and girls!!

    It's finished :) and it's awesome! You all did a wonderful job!

    I am waiting for a response from Alan to see how we're gonna post this one... if I don't hear from him in one day, I'll just post it on my youtube channel and then post the link in this thread.

    Some of you didn't send in any pics sooo... I had to come up with stuff. But it's ok. It's a nice video that will bring smiles all around!

    Merry X-Mas everyone!! :D Or, as Tarasis said, whatever brand of holiday you celebrate...
  • edited December 2010
    WOOOO. Merry Christmas! I hope I'm not the only person actually excited to see himself in the video.
  • edited December 2010
    Short update: I'm waiting for a response from Alan before I post the clip. That shouldn't be too long now.
  • edited December 2010
    *keeps fingers crossed*
    I've been refreshing this thread and youtube for three days now.
  • edited December 2010
    Short update: I'm waiting for a response from Alan before I post the clip. That shouldn't be too long now.

    What, he's as sad as us and is checking the site / his email when its his day off?

  • edited December 2010
    GREAT SCOTT! Merry Christmas, and I forgot what I was supposed to be doing.
  • edited December 2010
    I wonder, will we get to know the history/future of Squiggles the Time Machine™? (The one who Silverwolfpet designed while Majus brought chips.)
  • edited December 2010
    Sarendor wrote: »
    I wonder, will we get to know the history/future of Squiggles the Time Machine™? (The one who Silverwolfpet designed while Majus brought chips.)

    That's just an urban legend...you don't know the whole story...it was I who was bringing the chips, Majus and SWP, did nothing but sleep...and doodle! I WAS THE IRON HORSE WHO KEPT THE PROJECT MOVING!
  • edited December 2010
    ^ who the hell are you?
  • edited December 2010
    ^ who the hell are you?
  • edited December 2010

    That's it! You're out of the clip!
  • edited December 2010
    You can't kick me out, you big bully. I'm wearing glasses!
  • edited December 2010
    *takes your glasses and runs away*

  • edited December 2010
    *puts on extra pair of glasses*

    All, right! Give me back my other pair of glasses or start eating that trashcan!

    *points at a trashcan covered in frosting*
  • edited December 2010
    From my dea^h^h^h sick bed I think we need a big group hug


    Now give his glasses back before he trips over and hurts himself, you never know what might be lurking on the floor
  • edited December 2010
    Awww, so nice... *gives glasses back*

    You know what we need? We need a song we can all sing together, perhaps make a video of it. A nice song with a nice message, for the holidays... yeah, we should do that.
  • edited December 2010
    That's a great idea! How come we didn't think of that before??? Now it's too late....

    Or... is it?
  • edited December 2010
    Eh! I've been busy with family and those christmas things and totally forgot about the video :(

    I suppose it's late but at least my voice will be there... (or maybe that's a bad notice... for you:D)
  • edited December 2010
    Just to be on the safe side...
    my bro

    my bro

    no video sent = your voice will most likely be heard in the chorus part or as we see a picture of some sort. The chorus part was the nicest part anyway, so...everybody is good :)

    I hope I got this right. I've never worked with so many people online. I've dealt with 21 people at the same time, offline, while filming... but online, nevaaah!
  • edited December 2010
    You got it WRONG, wolfpet. Absolutely wrong.

    JK I can't say that until after I see the video.
  • edited December 2010
    Silverwolfpet you created a chorus out 15 disparate versions of the same song? Your crazier than I though :)
  • edited December 2010
    I really want to see this now. C'mon! Pleeeeeease? I'll send you some Japanese candy!
  • edited December 2010
    Yeah i did ALOT of noise-reduction on some of the voices :p and in some cases a declipper.

    I wonder how it will turn out.
  • edited December 2010
    Who did the lights correction for my video? :D
  • edited December 2010
    Yeah sorry I didn't realize there was a phone ringing and a doorbell going off till after I'd sent my audio (I did a playback test with the backing track on, oops)
  • edited December 2010
    A hopeful bump before we slide into 2011.

    Release it :)
  • edited December 2010
    Can't. :(

    Alan was supposed to give me permission before I do that. Otherwise I'm literally not allowed. Remember the beginning of the thread? Alan Approved means a little more than just that.

    I dunno why he ignored my last messages, but I'm sure he had a good reason to. Unfortunately, I must stick with what I promised in the first place... won't release it unless I get the final approval from Alan. That was the deal.
  • edited December 2010

    I dunno why he ignored my last messages, but I'm sure he had a good reason to.

    Maybe he's on holidays.... I think he deserve them! ;)
  • edited December 2010
    Fair enough, a shame to be sure but thoroughly understandable.

    Happy new year to you Silverwolfpet and everyone else!

    Only 1h30 to go here ...
  • edited December 2010
    30 minutes to go here! :D Happy New Year to you too Tarasis and to everybody!! Looking forward to our next collaboration :D
  • edited December 2010
    Then .... Happy New Year, best wishes and loOkIng forward to what's next :)
  • edited January 2011
    Happy New Year!
    The anticipation just gets bigger and the experience was fun anyway. :)
    Ha, maybe we have to wait till February?
  • edited January 2011
    Mmmno, I do hope Alan will respond until February!

    It was confusing due to the fact that in my country, on the 24th of December, people are still at work. Apparently, Alan was free that day... but I did see him online! Dunno... Worst case scenario...there is no worst case scenario! We just wait :p
  • edited January 2011
    If he doesn't respond soon, I'll travel to California, find him, and end him by legal means with a big sappy smile on my face, after which I'll go out and treat myself to a nice sarsaparilla. Just something to consider.

    And then I'll find you, SWP. You'll take the fall, son.
  • edited January 2011
    Hello all and a happy 2011.

    SWP why can't you release it on the forums for now? is there something in it that really needs Alan's approval (copyright things?), or something else?

    Maybe i just missed something but that is how i would do it temporarily :)
  • edited January 2011
    Hey Trackah123! Yyyyeah, it's tightly connected to copyright stuff. Can't really say much about it.

    It was ready in good time... I just didn't get that final OK before the holidays.
  • edited January 2011
    Copyrights? Wow, that must have been some deal! It seems like the people who gave their voices for it should be able to see it, but what do I know.
  • edited January 2011
    Sorry for not sending in any video. I was so busy because of the holiday that I literally had no time! >_< At least I'm still in the chorus.

    I hope you get approval soon! I can't wait to see it!
  • edited January 2011
    Get ready!!!! :D
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