Xbox 360!!!

edited December 2010 in Back to the Future
Why isnt back 2 the future coming out on 360? theyll make so much more money and theres no drawback! at least at a later date but come on. back to the future and jurassic park are my favorite two movies of all time. they HAVE to be on 360. and not stupid ********** 3.


  • edited December 2010
    Why isnt back 2 the future coming out on 360? theyll make so much more money and theres no drawback! at least at a later date but come on. back to the future and jurassic park are my favorite two movies of all time. they HAVE to be on 360. and not stupid gaystation 3.

    Maybe the developers tried to make it for 360, but couldn't test it because all of their 360's red ringed and broke?
  • edited December 2010
    Maybe they are trying to make up for not putting anything on the PS3 for a long time.. But I agree I hope they do put it out on the XBOX the more gamers it reaches the better.... means more money for TTG and more money means more games from TTG

    Also watch the homophobic hate comments...
  • edited December 2010
    Aw, come on, man. I hope you get your wish of it being on Xbox 360, dude, but don't diss Playstation 3; it's just as good as Xbox 360. Good luck, hope they do make an Xbox version for you :)
  • edited December 2010
    I am a major super duper Back to the Future geek fanboy. I want to play this game so very very bad. but i won't be buying the game for PC . . . I'm waiting till it's on the 360. So please . . . don't let me die from my brain exploding . . . put the game out on 360.
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