Prismatology-the origins?

edited March 2007 in Sam & Max
Digging through the Net, I found this 1895 movie from Thomas Edison's company, apparently showing a Prismatologist - years before Hugh Bliss! It seems the discipline has just gained some history and prestige, but I have to say Hugh has lost much of my former admiration - could he be just a plagiarist? I'm awaiting a statement.


  • edited February 2007
    Haha--nice. My only thing to add to the conversation is that you do not know that Hugh Bliss was not alive in 1895.
  • edited February 2007
    Was he possibly female back then?
  • edited February 2007
    He is possibly female now!
  • edited February 2007
    Yeah, Numble has a great point. Remember: (spoiler for ep 2)
    the correct answer to the question (as posed by Hugh Bliss) of "Can I fly?" is "Yes". And he can change colors, and read your mind.
    So I really don't see why he couldn't have been both alive and female n 1895.
  • edited February 2007
    Holy yodeling mysoginists in a jar of tobacco juice! If what you're suggesting is true, and Hugh Bliss is actually a woman by the name of Annabelle Moore (born in 1878), then who is THIS?
  • MelMel
    edited February 2007
    I approve of this thread. It made me laugh. :D
  • edited February 2007
    Hugh Bliss has a myspace profile that clearly states he is male :rolleyes:
  • edited February 2007
    marlow wrote: »
    Holy yodeling mysoginists in a jar of tobacco juice! If what you're suggesting is true, and Hugh Bliss is actually a woman by the name of Annabelle Moore (born in 1878), then who is THIS?

    From your second link:
    Hugh Biss a ex new Zealand Hochey player and now strength conditioning coach is confirmed to give a presentation on strength conditioning for kayaking. Hugh has studied a number of kayaking models and has come up with a unique concept for strength conditioning.

    Self-help for the helplessly selfish. Smacks of Hugh's techniques. Obviously he is using this bait-and-switch technique to hook people onto Emetics. I disapprove of Hugh Bliss using such obviously misleading and questionable methods to attract followers.
  • edited February 2007
    According to the Myspace profile Hugh Bliss is only 96, so he couldn't dance in front of a camera in 1895, unless his prenatal life was much longer than the average person's (and his shape as an embryo also somewhat peculiar) - which is not out of the question, but is rather unlikely. So, if we choose to be reasonable, either this Hugh Bliss is not the actual Hugh Bliss, or the website is just a decoy he uses to mislead his followers as to his age, among other things.
    As for the link commented on by Numble - - -
  • edited February 2007
    marlow wrote: »
    So, if we choose to be reasonable, either this Hugh Bliss is not the actual Hugh Bliss, or the website is just a decoy he uses to mislead his followers as to his age, among other things.

    Yes, I think it is reasonable to assume that Hugh Bliss is misleading others as to his age. He (She?!) is the head of a large entertainment empire worth millions of dollars. If people knew his true age, they would think he will soon die, and would be plotting over how his estate is to be divided. If they all were mislead to think he is only 96 years young, there is no reason to assume that he'll die soon--on the contrary, everybody now admires his (false) youthfulness.
  • edited February 2007
    I feel a strange urge to reveal that I am in fact Hugh Bliss, but I won't, as my sense of the good and the beautiful cringes at the very thought of how gratuitous it would be (even if it were true).
  • edited February 2007
    My personal belief is that Hugh Bliss is Rosie O'Donnell's long lost mother...
  • edited February 2007
    Are you sure its 96 earth years?
  • edited February 2007
    Well, Hugh might just as well be living backwards, which would mean that he will be born in 2103, and died some time in the past. The 1895 footage shows that he kept fit even at a very advanced age (probably thanks to his unique concept of strength conditioning).
  • edited February 2007
    Yes, that is reasonable--the Prismatology techniques definitely look more advanced in that video than the ones he displayed in 2007.
  • edited February 2007
    And I must say--his obsessive attraction to the entertainment industry remains even as the entertainment industry regresses with history; it explains why he is in the few first films to begin with, along with his attraction to the celebrityism of Thomas Edison.
  • edited February 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    Are you sure its 96 earth years?

    A most important point. :eek:
  • edited February 2007
    numble wrote: »
    it explains why he is in the few first films to begin with, along with his attraction to the celebrityism of Thomas Edison.

    Exactly! Who else but a (wo)man that has already seen the future would at that time even consider that film is smoething worth appearing in!
  • edited February 2007
    Why is it that folks are so eager to tear a good man down?

    This Mr. Bliss seems like a truly magical, spiritual being whose only purpose in life is to spread his message of multicolored happiness and bring super-saturated joy to an otherwise drab, monochromatic world. I urge you to take a look in the mirror and see what troubles in your own lives have brought you to this low place.

    Throw off the black drawstring sack of intolerance and the plastic zip ties of cynicism! Open your minds to the pure, spectral joy of Prismatology and you will understand.


    Sigh Blush
  • edited February 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    Are you sure its 96 earth years?
    It is obviously 96 standard years. Obviously. ;)
  • edited February 2007
    sigh blush wrote: »
    Open your minds to the pure, spectral joy of Prismatology

    Well, I tried, tried real hard...

    But it's... pink!
  • edited February 2007
    Wow...has no one else associated Prismatology with Scientology?
    Hugh Bliss->L. Ron Hubbard

    To me it seemed to be what they were parodizing, but I could be wrong.
  • edited February 2007
    But, as this thread has already shown, Hugh Bliss was around long before L. Ron Hubbard was born - which means that it's L. Ron Hubbard who is an imitation of Hugh, rather than the other way round.:) (otherwise, I think you're perfectly right)
  • edited February 2007
    umm, am i the only guy who thinks hugh bliss is behind everything in season 1?
  • edited February 2007
    sigh blush wrote: »
    Why is it that folks are so eager to tear a good man down?

    This Mr. Bliss seems like a truly magical, spiritual being whose only purpose in life is to spread his message of multicolored happiness and bring super-saturated joy to an otherwise drab, monochromatic world. I urge you to take a look in the mirror and see what troubles in your own lives have brought you to this low place.

    ummm, am i the only guy who think hugh bliss is behind everything in season 1?
  • edited February 2007
    maklenard wrote: »
    ummm, am i the only guy who think hugh bliss is behind everything in season 1?

    No you're not, and I'm progressively getting more sure of it as the season wears on. Hugh Bliss and Emetics are just getting a tad too... recurring to be a coincidence, and that tied with a bunch of other things like more and more evidence Hugh Bliss is an alien... Makes me think he's the Big, Bad, Evil Bad Guy.
  • edited February 2007
    Don't forget to cover that stuff with spoiler masks. :/
  • edited March 2007
    Episode 4 states quite clearly that Hugh Bliss's actual age is
    burnt sienna
    . So.
  • edited March 2007
    sigh blush wrote: »
    Why is it that folks are so eager to tear a good man down?

    This Mr. Bliss seems like a truly magical, spiritual being whose only purpose in life is to spread his message of multicolored happiness and bring super-saturated joy to an otherwise drab, monochromatic world. I urge you to take a look in the mirror and see what troubles in your own lives have brought you to this low place.

    Throw off the black drawstring sack of intolerance and the plastic zip ties of cynicism! Open your minds to the pure, spectral joy of Prismatology and you will understand.


    Sigh Blush

    Sigh Blush
    Sugh Blish
    Hugh Bliss!

  • edited March 2007
    marlow wrote: »
    Episode 4 states quite clearly that Hugh Bliss's actual age is
    burnt sienna
    . So.
    He doesn't look a day over taupe.
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