(Spoilers) So... What event...

edited December 2010 in Back to the Future
...caused Doc to be transferred to another facility that night? Or if the transfer was always going to take place, what caused Kid Tannen to change his plan? What did Marty change? Did I miss something?


  • edited December 2010
    ...caused Doc to be transferred to another facility that night? Or if the transfer was always going to take place, what caused Kid Tannen to change his plan? What did Marty change? Did I miss something?

    No doubt your questions will be answered next episode. We didn't exactly get the full story this time around. :)
  • edited December 2010
    that's true, the preview of the next episode makes it clear than we will see the other side of the story, so that will provably be answered, remember even little things can affect some decitions.
  • edited December 2010
    I would guess it has something to do with
    Arthur being subpoena'd when he was, causing Tannen to act a little more rashly
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