Great Scott..

edited December 2010 in Back to the Future
...if only I could travel back in time to 22nd Dec 2010 and never click the 'Buy Now' button..........


  • edited December 2010
    so you dont like it all?

    or what are you trying to say??
  • edited December 2010
    Cyphox wrote: »
    so you dont like it all?

    or what are you trying to say??

    I guess I was annoyed when the same cutscenes kept running with annoying Edna but figured out near the end that you can skip them with a right click, and also the running said hold the right mouse button and it was actually shift ;)

    It got a bit more exciting towards the end I guess, but it's still not quite what I expected from the long awaited game that's all. It seems to be more of a click puzzle with cutscenes rather than a game. I was hoping for some driving and more controlled action. In the end it wasn't too bad I guess..

    Do you have to pay $24.99 for each episode or does that cover all 5? If it's that much for each episode I think i'll be giving it a miss ;)
  • edited December 2010
    it's $24.99 for the whole thing. And episode 1 was more of an introduction than anything, and from the looks of things, it's only going to get better from there.
  • edited December 2010
    It's for all episodes.

    Still, you are one of veeeeeeeery few people coming to Telltale Games expecting something else than a point and click adventure game. Maybe you should've looked into their history.
  • edited December 2010
    Nope, it's $24.95 for all five episodes together. ;)

    And yes, it's an adventure puzzle game, but by the looks of the first episode alone, it's gonna be Telltale's most cinematic game yet. The ending scene reminded me of the Biff car tunnel chase at the end of BTTF Part II.

    You should at least give a couple more episodes a chance when they're out, it seems they've really nailed the spirit of the franchise.
  • edited December 2010
    Have a look under "My Games", you'll see that the following 4 will be listed, since what you bought is indeed a season-pass.

    As for click-puzzle, yeah, thats more or less the kind of adventure games that Telltale makes, barring some weird car-stuff in the Sam & Max-games.

    Compared to older adventure-games, you get: Less inventory-combining, Less insane puzzles, less hours per game, and less frustration (compared to say the earlier Sierra-games), but you do get 5 of them, so...

    Compared to your average racer/fps, you get: Less action and less adrenaline.

    What you do get, is a story focused bite-sized game, delivered in episodic format regularly (while other episodic game-producers prefers putting out 2, and then putting the third episode on indefinite hold :( ). And, well a game that fits a rather wide audience.

    This fits BttF rather well, since it has room for story, lots of it, with weird twists and paradoxes. I do however fear that it might fit Jurassic Park less well.
  • edited December 2010
    I guess I was annoyed when the same cutscenes kept running with annoying Edna but figured out near the end that you can skip them with a right click, and also the running said hold the right mouse button and it was actually shift ;)

    It got a bit more exciting towards the end I guess, but it's still not quite what I expected from the long awaited game that's all. It seems to be more of a click puzzle with cutscenes rather than a game. I was hoping for some driving and more controlled action. In the end it wasn't too bad I guess..

    Do you have to pay $24.99 for each episode or does that cover all 5? If it's that much for each episode I think i'll be giving it a miss ;)

    of course you get all 5 episodes for the 25 bucks you paid.

    and "click puzzle with cutscenes" pretty good describes the genre "adventure games" ;)

    running with the right mouse button only works if you control marty completely with the mouse, if you use wasd you have to use shift. kinda stupid, yeah, but thats just how it works
  • edited December 2010
    I think you're right guys, I should have looked into telltale games a bit more to see what I was letting myself in for. I just saw that it was BTTF and jumped all over it without thinking.

    After thinking about it a bit more, it left a good impression with the story and cutscenes. Don't get me wrong, I love cutscenes and a great job was done, i guess as the film was so action packed I was hoping for an action game with some driving action but I bet that will come a few episodes in.

    As you get all 5 episodes I'll be sure to see how it goes, I'll probably end up getting into the story and enjoying it. Surely you can see where I was at least coming from..?
  • edited December 2010
    click puzzle with cutscenes = adventure game genre
  • edited December 2010
    I was expecting these threads.... people who had no clue that they were buying an adventure game.
  • edited December 2010
    I think you're right guys, I should have looked into telltale games a bit more to see what I was letting myself in for. I just saw that it was BTTF and jumped all over it without thinking.

    After thinking about it a bit more, it left a good impression with the story and cutscenes. Don't get me wrong, I love cutscenes and a great job was done, i guess as the film was so action packed I was hoping for an action game with some driving action but I bet that will come a few episodes in.

    As you get all 5 episodes I'll be sure to see how it goes, I'll probably end up getting into the story and enjoying it. Surely you can see where I was at least coming from..?

    Yeah but it was stated LONG ago it was going to be an adventure game which means solve puzzles and hope for the best.
    Plus most of us said go play sam and max 104 abe lincoln must die(its free) to get the idea of what kind of gameplay they have.
  • edited December 2010
    Agreed. But if lukebrynycz is any indication, the genre just may end up having a few new fans, especially given the quality of Telltale's work.
  • edited December 2010
    Agreed. But if lukebrynycz is any indication, the genre just may end up having a few new fans, especially given the quality of Telltale's work.

    Or telltale will have more haters because they didnt research telltale.
    Remember one saying telltale was unamerican when telltale is stationed in california.
  • edited December 2010
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Or telltale will have more haters because they didnt research telltale.
    Remember one saying telltale was unamerican when telltale is stationed in california.

    I'm going to play the devil's advocate and say that you can totally be an American citizen and have unAmerican values.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm going to play the devil's advocate and say that you can totally be an American citizen and have unAmerican values.

    Ok but that would be odd. I get you may need the job badly I guess, but then Id be greatful for that country if I got the job I so needed.
  • edited December 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I was expecting these threads.... people who had no clue that they were buying an adventure game.

    See the thing is, I didn't know about this game in advance as most did, I saw it last minute on YouTube whilst randomly browsing and just bought with instinct. It grew on me a bit towards the end when there was a bit more action and hopefully episode 2 will carry on building.

    I do agree that I should have held off on my opinion post until I had finished, but I still think it could have had some action scenes rather than all multiple choice clicking.
  • edited December 2010
    See the thing is, I didn't know about this game in advance as most did, I saw it last minute on YouTube whilst randomly browsing and just bought with instinct. It grew on me a bit towards the end when there was a bit more action and hopefully episode 2 will carry on building.

    I do agree that I should have held off on my opinion post until I had finished, but I still think it could have had some action scenes rather than all multiple choice clicking.

    You really should do research beforehand anyway.
    Plus telltale tends to make the first episode of a series the least exciting so don't worry.
    The first episode is more of a get to know/remember the cast/setting/story so far.
    The second episode and so on are when the episodes get good.
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