Sneeky Sneeky TellTale

edited February 2007 in Sam & Max
You got me to play TellTale Texas Hold'em simply because I couldn't get enough from beating Leonard Stakecharmer! And after having fun with the demo for the last week (yes, I've been playing the demo for the last week), I'm seriously considering adding that to my purchase once Season 1's CD comes out.

To quote Bosco: "Was this all part of a plot?!"

I mean, you said it yourself. The advantage to doing things episodically is to get people to reinvest in the eariler episodes as more and more people get introduced to the franchise (a la Harry Potter). I'm starting to think Boris's doppleganger was more than just a company cameo.


  • edited February 2007
    Yes, these nasty hobbitses are tricksy, isn't they?;)
  • edited February 2007
    I think TTHE is a great game very entertaining..good dialogue .. great characters.. unfortunately theres not much replay value cause you cant save a high score or anything
  • edited February 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    I think TTHE is a great game very entertaining..good dialogue .. great characters.. unfortunately theres not much replay value cause you cant save a high score or anything

    True, but there are unlockables from what I've read over at the TTHE forum.

    I kind of wish they could make a TTHE2 featuring Sam, Max, Bone, and the various other characters TTG has the rights to use. And if they have the rights to the CSI characters, my dad may have a reason to get into video games now.
  • edited February 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    True, but there are unlockables from what I've read over at the TTHE forum.

    I kind of wish they could make a TTHE2 featuring Sam, Max, Bone, and the various other characters TTG has the rights to use. And if they have the rights to the CSI characters, my dad may have a reason to get into video games now.

    Personally I would absolutely LOVE to see all the TTG characters gathered round the one table playing poker...especially phoney bone, he'd fit right in :D
  • edited February 2007
    Oh, the banter that would result of so many personality clashes.:D It would be a dream come true!

    Grandma Shakey: (to her chips) "It's okay, dears, I'm folding! I'm folding!"
    Max: "Sam, I think someone here is a bit dellusional."
    Sam: "This from someone that talks to his own gun in the same manner."
    Harry: (to all three) "I'm going to pretend I didn't witness that."

    Ted: (to Leonard) "So, Leo, are you and Boris, like, twins or something?"
    Leonard: "What are you talking about?! I've never seen this guy in my life!"
    Boris: "What he said!"

    Harry: "So, Bosco, how did you raise the money for this tourniment?"
    Sam: "Mostly by conning us off with his skanky invention skills."
    Ted: "Dude! What?! You invented skanks?!"
    Everyone: "Shut up, Ted!"

    Sybil: (after a win) "I knew my career as a construction worker for House of Cards would come in handy."
    Ted: "You built houses out of cards as a job? Dude!"
    Harry: "The insurance rates on those must have been extremely high."
    Max: "Well, that solves that mystery."
    Sam: "The mystery as to how Sybil beat us so easily?"
    Max: "No, the mystery of what Harry did as a living before becoming a professional gambler."
  • edited February 2007
    /me sneakishly turning this into the supply-jokes-for-TTHES&ME thread.

    Harry: So Sybil, what did you do before becoming a professional poker player?
    Max: NO, DON'T!!
    Sybil: Well, my first career was in...
    [black screen, "1 hour later..."]
    Sybil: you see, playing poker is really a logical extension of all my previous careers, except nuclear physicist.
    Max: Is it over?
    Sam: I think so..
    Harry: (to Sam and Max) Gah! Remind me to kill myself the next time I feel the urge to ask THAT question.
    Max: I'll do it for you!

    Boris: Bosco, eh? You don't play like a Bosco.
    Bosco: Yeah? What do I play like, fool?
    Boris: You play more like a Jean-Francois Sissypants! heh!

    Ted: (to Sam and Max) Shouldn't you guys, like, arrest grandma for killing all her husbands or something?
    Max: Yeah! And while we're at it, we really ought to "confiscate" her chips as well.
    Sam: Now, Max, that would hardly be sporting, would it?
    Max: (to Ted) He's waiting for you and Harry to be eliminated.
  • edited February 2007
    Harry: So, Jimmy, how did a rodent such as yourself raised the money for this tourniment?
    Jimmy: The same way I get all my dough.
    Max: From the bakery?
    Jimmy: From the couch.
    Sam: So that's what happen to all our spare change!
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