Proof that Sam and Max are 'bad cops' (spoilers)

edited March 2007 in Sam & Max
1. They are happy to drop a bowling ball out of their window onto a person's head, what would they have done if he died...... 2. They framed Whizzer of theft in Bosco's store 3. They walked into Bosco's store and destroyed his anti-delivery camera. 4. They are happy to beat up on people smaller them then without a warrant (Sybil's store) 5. They enter Brady's home without a warrant. 6. Instead of just standing up and aresseting Myra they are happy to almost kill her electric chair style. 7. They feed Whizzer a food they know he is allergic too. 8. They are happy to pull some guy over for a broken taillight even though they broke it. 9. They then charge that guy $10, 000 in fines.

And that is all I can think of, can anybody else think of any others?


  • edited February 2007
    I'm not sure what the point of this thread is, but I just wanna say that this is definitely one of the cooler aspects of the new game, and I hope telltale doesn't hold back on it in future episodes. :)
  • edited February 2007
    Halp! I struggle to come up with a coherent reason for the existence of this issue! The very notion of free-lance police is as hilarious as trying to prove lack of virtue in quasi-governmental officials.
  • edited February 2007
    Look. Let's face it. That's pretty much the entire basis for their humor. Take out stuff like that, and you don't have much of a game.
  • edited February 2007
    Yeah, true, but they're supposed to be funny. Let's face it, while some of the things they do aren't lawful, they are helpful and sometimes rather appropriate (in a comical way). Besides, freelance police aren't real police. They're essentially private detectives, which have a broader range of legal... possibilities... then regular police. Basically Sam & Max are allowed special privledges because of their success with difficult cases. :cool:
  • edited February 2007
    Mattb wrote: »
    1. They are happy to drop a bowling ball out of their window onto a person's head, what would they have done if he died...... 2. They framed Whizzer of theft in Bosco's store 3. They walked into Bosco's store and destroyed his anti-delivery camera. 4. They are happy to beat up on people smaller them then without a warrant (Sybil's store) 5. They enter Brady's home without a warrant. 6. Instead of just standing up and aresseting Myra they are happy to almost kill her electric chair style. 7. They feed Whizzer a food they know he is allergic too. 8. They are happy to pull some guy over for a broken taillight even though they broke it. 9. They then charge that guy $10, 000 in fines.

    And that is all I can think of, can anybody else think of any others?

    For me it goes back to Hit the Road. Took me forever to find money in the game, so I kept trying to find ways to shoplift at Snuckey's ;)
  • edited February 2007
    Speakin of hit the road, they did some stuff that seems to be corrupted:

    They stole the keys to the bathroom in Snuckey's

    They stole the vortex

    They enter into someone's property without a warrent

    They stole and tamper with stuff in that property

    They tamper with something that isn't theirs (the yarn, fish, mammoth, etc..)

    Never returned the right piece of property backa t the end of the game

    Beat up a criminal
  • edited February 2007
    They didn't steal the keys.
  • edited February 2007
    All these bad stuff they did! Maybe in ep.6 the Commissioner might fire San & Max for being REALLY bad detectives

    Maybe it could get worse :eek:
  • edited March 2007
    There's really not much point to this thread. You don't need to scour the games for proof that Sam and Max solve cases in an unconventional (and often criminal) manner. Their every adventure is full of such events. There's no challenge to this. If you want a better challenge, try to make a list that proves Sam & Max are /good/ police, citing examples where they conducted in a manner as would be fitting for a law-abiding law official. You'll find that more difficult.

    p.s. You can't fire a freelance employee, because freelancers aren't on your payroll. They're employed on a case by case basis which is what makes them freelance. So the commissioner can't 'fire' them. He can only stop sending them cases.

    Of course, the real world has no such thing as freelance police, which is what makes the world of Sam and Max so entertaining. And I suspect its also the reason that the commissioner keeps hiring them. There's no other freelance police he can call :D
  • edited March 2007
    Blackphyr wrote: »
    Of course, the real world has no such thing as freelance police, which is what makes the world of Sam and Max so entertaining. And I suspect its also the reason that the commissioner keeps hiring them. There's no other freelance police he can call :D
    There's also another reason. In the cartoon Sam at one point remarks that he and Max are the "most highly expendable" people the police have at their disposal. :D
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