Possible Easter Egg?

edited December 2010 in Back to the Future
Anyone notice when:
Marty goes to use the rocket drill and it just fails? Remember in the first movie when 1955 Doc shouts "I finally invented something that works!!!". Could be a little inside joke ;)


  • edited December 2010
    McDeezy wrote: »
    Anyone notice when:
    Marty goes to use the rocket drill and it just fails? Remember in the first movie when 1955 Doc shouts "I finally invented something that works!!!". Could be a little inside joke ;)
    I think it's been obvious all along that Doc was something of a crackpot inventor who's inventions never quite worked out right. It would make sense that
    his rocket drill, invented at such a young age, wouldn't work right - both failing to do the job it was intended (drilling) and also eventually blowing up

    So I don't think it's really an easter egg, more simply one of many references to the films. Doc's inventions were always having issues
    - the rocket drill was another example.
    just like the mind reader, the guitar amplifier (slight possibility of overload), and even the Delorean itself has had issues with the time circuits.
  • edited December 2010
    i guess the only success Doc ever did were his flux capacitor and the Train Time Machine...
  • edited December 2010
    There are actually a lot of Easter eggs in the game... Actually most of the game is an homage or Easter egg in some way or another

    Some are obvious... Marty running into a Tannen getting and chased through the town square by him soon-after, Marty waking up to his mom saying "you are safe and sound back in good old...." and marty using something from the future to solve his problems (a tape recorder in this case)... The time travel scene was a shot-for shot duplicate of the time travel scenes in the first and third movies... The time machine is thrown into a sticky situation after jumping... And the inside of docs journal has a note reminding him to wear a bulletproof vest

    But a few others are that the law office has the last names of the co-creators... The election posters stuck on the telephone poles, the theater and car dealrship are all still there in 1931

    There is also moon postcard from sam and max hanging on the wall in Martys room
  • edited December 2010
    Kaizer wrote: »
    i guess the only success Doc ever did were his flux capacitor and the Train Time Machine...

    He also made that completely awesome dog feeder. So that's three things.
  • edited December 2010
    He also made that completely awesome dog feeder.
    Except it still managed to dump the entire can of dog food all over the floor.
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