Thoughts on "Super Back to the Future Part II" for the Super Famicom?

edited December 2010 in Back to the Future
We've finally got a decent Back to the Future with the first episode proving to be a success. In the past we've seen many games based on the series turning out to be flops. Even Bob Gale has shown his disinterest towards them.
However one was never released state side or any other country which was released exclusive to Japan.
"Super Back to the Future Part II" released in July 23rd, 1993 for the Super Famicom (Japanese Super Nintendo), developed by company 'Daft' and published by Toshiba EMI, a platformer in which you controlled Marty riding his hoverboard jumping over obstacles and onto enemies and collecting coins to purchase powerups and extra lives. And every few levels you'd encounter a boss level.
More information about the game you can find here:
and small sample of the gamplay:
As you can see the gamplay is less frustrating than the other games and probably more fun.

So what are your thoughts on the game?


  • edited December 2010
    Well it's "fun". Nothing incredible, but not bad, especially compared to the others.

    Though it's way too "out of context" to be fully called an adaptation, in my opinion...

    But at least in this one, YOU CAN use a hoverboard.
  • edited December 2010
    It's a mediocre Super Famicom game. It's nothing great and if it didn't have the Back to the Future name attached to it, I don't think anybody would really put much stock in it. Still, it's not a piece of shit that makes you want to slam your head through a wall, and that's definitely something in its favor compared to all other currently existing Back to the Future games.
  • edited December 2010
    all other currently existing Back to the Future games.
    I see what you did there. :cool:
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