BTTF Game ringtones..?

If you could have a Ringtone of a Quote or phrase funny or serious, what would it/they be? I hope to het a Soundboard of this game soon..hint..hint, here's one's I would have for a ringer..

-Doc making the Distraction for Marty...that was hilarous!:D

-Young Doc explaining the Pressure Setup with the Fish Tank, another hilarous one..:D

-Elder Edna Yelling out the window with the Megaphone.

-Doc yelling "What did I tell you!! 88MPH!!!!!!!!!"


  • edited December 2010
    I prefer my ringtones to simply be specific, distinct tones. Same with notifications, simple tones(like one beep for a text, two for email) allows for minimum latency between notification delivery and recognition.

    Besides, ringtones that have spoken words always come off as obnoxious to me, especially since the quote is generally cut off before it's finished(and if it's not, it's annoyingly looping until you find the damn phone).
  • edited December 2010
    I prefer my ringtones to simply be specific, distinct tones. Same with notifications, simple tones(like one beep for a text, two for email) allows for minimum latency between notification delivery and recognition.
    Oh..I see, that's cool I like my phone to have a ringtone that is anything from bttf mostly Doc! :D anyways what is your favorite funny or not so funny quotes in the game?
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