Episodes 1-3 - 4/5 Stars on XPlay!

edited February 2007 in Sam & Max
Wohoo! Xplay loved it! :D They mentioned that the clicking to find things is tedious (I don't think they really played it very much), but that the humor was absolutely fantastic! The two hosts were smiling when the review was done, so they seemed to like it too.

They mentioned how unlike Half Life 2's episodes, which are being released very slowly, Sam & Max is being released monthly and following schedule. Overall they gave it a great review.

The only minor fault was the item and clicking part, but that's what adventure games are all about. I don't think there's enough of it personally. It probably reflects mainstream opinions of it though, since people like fast paced action.


  • edited February 2007
    Yay! I'll have to catch the rerun :D
  • edited February 2007
    Nice. They can be jerks when they want to, so I'm glad to see they gave this game the respect it deserves.
  • edited February 2007
    ^They normally do when they like the game. The only times they are really jerks is with games that suck or game genres they are just sick and tired of (like WW2 games and any RPG featuring big-eyed Anime kids).

    I liked the way they closed their review though, with them playing Sam's line from when you first walk into WARP, only replacing the WARP part with a "ding" and flashing the G4 Logo on the screen.:D
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