Did anyone ever tell you that your logo looks like Mickey Mouse?
Just Mickey's head, of course.
From a little distance I can't help it, the three circles just looks like Evil Walt's number one (or two) Cash-Cow, er, Mouse.
Even without blinking my eyes.
Maybe that's a positive aspect for the future sales of your games. Hex people with well known and trusted shapes - like the black teaser figure on the products page.
From a little distance I can't help it, the three circles just looks like Evil Walt's number one (or two) Cash-Cow, er, Mouse.
Even without blinking my eyes.
Maybe that's a positive aspect for the future sales of your games. Hex people with well known and trusted shapes - like the black teaser figure on the products page.

This discussion has been closed.
hinting at the forum name
and is Tell Tale games a Hoax
Bad photoshop ahoy!
Michael Eisner is not amused. :]
Of course there's nothing wrong with Mickey, Captain LeChimp... it was just an observation: Once one gets that image into his/her mind, it's hard to let it go again.
At least this thread increased the post count, heh... not bad for the first day of a forum.
...like Guybrush....lol.
I still don't see it.
This is geometry-class ALL over again >.<
One of the most frustrating games from my childhood was Disney, though. So maybe not.
Oh, and let's not forget this little gem. (NOTE: If you know what that video's about, you may burst into tears at the sight of it.)
It seems that when the forum first appeared, you didn't need an account to post.
All dead. I think they didn't like Disney, so they were killed.
Well, I guess Telltale needs a new logo then.
Suggestions, anyone??
Dear God, the resemblance is uncanny.
Suggestions, anyone??
Max's head duh xD
Blind's post looks like it's -dramatic music- disappeared.
I don't know. Resemblance.
Why are all the posts on April 1sts from different years? Illuminety cunfremed
This thread is probably as old as some of the users on these forums tbh
Oh no! They are on to me!
oh god spooky dead thread
Arise my dead minions!
I second this.
It really does.