Was the site down today?

edited February 2007 in Site Support
I've been unable to reach the telltalegames.com site for the past six hours or so. Was it down? I tried restarting my computer, disabling my firewall, even installing an extra browser (Opera, after failing on both Firefox and IE), all to no avail. Obviously I've regained access now but I have no idea why.


  • edited February 2007
    Yes, it was down. Apache started to log segfaults on every child process sometime early this morning (while I was asleep, of course). I'm trying to track down the offending module right now.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    Apache started to log segfaults on every child process sometime early this morning (while I was asleep, of course). I'm trying to track down the offending module right now.

    *head spins*
  • edited February 2007
    ...and then the flux capacitor burned out. Many jiggawats died to bring us this news.
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