Hit The Road re-release(uk, australia, new zealand)

edited March 2007 in Sam & Max
http://www.mixnmojo.com reported it.. woo hoo Sam & max for 9.95 in Australia now.. http://www.gameswarehouse.com.au/longpage.asp?gameid=13995

you can order from that web site as well. :) Anyone who missed it the first time can now grab it.


  • edited February 2007
    The person who posted that story on Mojo is a schmuck.

  • edited February 2007
    :D :D I wonder what prompted this re-release :p I thought there was no market for adventure games.
  • edited February 2007
    That's what I was thinking when Bad Mojo got a re-release.
  • edited February 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    :D :D I wonder what prompted this re-release :p I thought there was no market for adventure games.

    Not in America, there's not.

    This is an Activision initiative in the territories they have LucasArts distribution rights for (as far as I can tell).
  • edited February 2007
    Ahhhhh.. that explains it. :rolleyes:
  • edited February 2007
    Who knows, maybe LucasArts will see the sales numbers for the Activision rereleases and figure it's not going to cost much to put them out in North America too?

    I'm surprised there's no DOTT or IJ & the Fate of Atlantis in the lineup. There was an S&M/DOTT double pack in the UK editions (though I personally prefer them on separate discs). The Cover art's so much nicer when it's not cropped like that.

    B00005Q6XJ.02._AA280_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg 1457601.jpg

    I kinda understand why they've only got talkie games though. Still, I'm sure at that price point a MI 1 & 2 double pack & a Loom would sell enough to make it worthwhile.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    Loom was talkie if you had the CD one!

    I really liked when LEC sold the Monkey Island 1-3 pack, with the white label jewel case CMI that also included the Monkey Madness compilation of the first two games. Good times. Oh well.
  • edited February 2007
    Well, I might need to do some research and see if my Loom can be, err, upgraded...

    I wish I'd bought this MI 4-game Collector's Edition Pack (front) | (back) when it was around a few years back. Didn't realise it was an Australasian only (?) release and rare as hen's teeth. :(
  • edited February 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Loom was talkie if you had the CD one!

    I really liked when LEC sold the Monkey Island 1-3 pack, with the white label jewel case CMI that also included the Monkey Madness compilation of the first two games. Good times. Oh well.

    Yeah, I got at least two people into Monkey Island with that. It was only $15 too.
  • edited February 2007
    I have the non-talkie versions of Sam & Max HTR and DOTT (as well as The Secret of Monkey Island and MI2: Lechuck's Revenge). I've played the talkie version of DOTT, but I've never played the talkie version of Sam & Max HTR.

    And just the mention of the game Loom makes me feel a bit queasy. I disliked that game immensely.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    jp-30 wrote: »
    Well, I might need to do some research and see if my Loom can be, err, upgraded...

    I wish I'd bought this MI 4-game Collector's Edition Pack (front) | (back) when it was around a few years back. Didn't realise it was an Australasian only (?) release and rare as hen's teeth. :(

    Urg that packaging design!
  • edited February 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    http://www.mixnmojo.com reported it.. woo hoo Sam & max for 9.95 in Australia now.. http://www.gameswarehouse.com.au/longpage.asp?gameid=13995

    you can order from that web site as well. :) Anyone who missed it the first time can now grab it.

    Man, shipping to the US from there is $28 USD (I emailed them)...
  • edited February 2007
    Try the NZ store as linked in the mixnmojo article. Also you could ask if they can be shipped without the DVD cases, just the slick, insert & disc.
  • edited February 2007
    jp-30 wrote: »
    Well, I might need to do some research and see if my Loom can be, err, upgraded...


    (Don't mind me, I found that hilarious for some reason, chalk it up to lack of sleep :P)
  • edited February 2007
    I have a feeling with scummVM I may be able to use the game's voice file if I can, ahem, find it.

    In fact I probably have already done this, but as I've only played the first scene - and that was over a year ago - simply forgotten.
  • edited March 2007
    OMG going to buy it tonight! Never played the talkie version!
  • edited March 2007
    for the aussies out there i picked up hit the road from jb hi-fi for just $8.99
  • edited March 2007
    Anyone out there running these new re-releases on Vista? The back of the case of Hit the Road lists ever windows OS since win 95 up to XP.
  • edited March 2007
    Now that I've got the re-released versions of Full Throttle and The Dig, my collection of Lucasarts adventure games is almost complete!
    I only need Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and Zack McKracken...both of which will be impossible to find.
  • edited March 2007
    jp-30 wrote: »
    Well, I might need to do some research and see if my Loom can be, err, upgraded...

    I wish I'd bought this MI 4-game Collector's Edition Pack (front) | (back) when it was around a few years back. Didn't realise it was an Australasian only (?) release and rare as hen's teeth. :(
    Hey cool I had no idea :D I have that collection -

    s3000344pk1.th.jpg s3000345ai0.th.jpg

    I also have these -

    s3000346ju3.th.jpg s3000265wg1.th.jpg

    And I have the other Lucasarts adventure games as well, including the CD version of Loom with the audio drama on CD.. pretty cool too that audio drama.

    You can see many of my other Lucasarts adventure games in the "old adventure games" thread in the lounge :)
  • edited March 2007
    I hate you!
  • edited March 2007
    Haha, I like it when they publish game collections and only show pictures on the box from the most recent games... don't you dare scare off potential buyers with an image of MI1 or 2...
  • edited March 2007
    I traded most of my old boxed PC games at Gamestation and got a credit note! Woo ha!

    However, I have the white box (as above in the bottom left picture) and a whole load of other Lucasarts games. I gave my Sam and Max away to a friend and never got it back, though. :(
  • edited March 2007
    Hehe as I see it, Indiana Jones And The Fate Of Atlantis must be quite rare as well now...bought it several years ago for very cheap money, I think it must have been 2 German Mark which is about 1 Euro or about 1,30 US$!
  • edited March 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    for the aussies out there i picked up hit the road from jb hi-fi for just $8.99

    Cheers mate! Will hunt that A.S.A.P!
    (Well, I already have S&M, but it, er, is a caseless, boxless CD talkie copy a mate was disinterested in asking for back, and I didn't see him often. No chase, no contact, no foul, right? Besides, it sure as hell seems like I loved it more.)

    I'm going to pass on the word to others though - despite the fact that you don't need to buy it, since it's not a prequel per se, but without Hit The Road, only DEVOTED Purcell comics fans would be ping-ponging around the room about Telltale's game, that's IF it existed without H.T.R. ;) :)

    Still, are Lucasarts (or whichever company) being fair about saying "by the way, Telltale has future tales because we're not into that market anymore"?
    Or are they just not doing anything like that and acting like the moneygrubbers the Lucas name has slowly trickled down to?
    (No offense ex-L.A people - that's directed at the Suits that effectively made Adventure Gaming an endangered species after the 90s, and then gave us hope, then axed "Freelance Police" when it was nearly done. I have a feeling Hell is pretty full of Lawyers, but I'm betting if you asked some of the guys in suits down there, before their demise, they'll have been Games Company, Movie and TV Suits.)
  • edited March 2007
    Hey Hero1 and any other Aussies, along with the Brits and New Zealand!

    Your mission, should you choose to accept it, it to see if [Insert Store Selling "Sam And Max Hit The Road" Here] will:

    - Know about Sam and Max and/or the new games, if not, TELL them so word spreads intrastore, then on to the customers buying Hit The Road!

    - Casually tell anyone checking Hit The Road out about the new games.
    ("Around the same price, but just released!")

    - Buy Season 1's CD for store sale (provided Telltale Games will/can sort out a deal)
    (From what I know about TTG mechanics, this isn't likely, but worth a brainstorm.)

    Even if only part of that is successful, it helps TTG and Purcell sell more TTG games (piggybacking on the older games like Lucas is trying to do with the new - only fair) and continue the games! :D
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