Retail release of Season One?

edited March 2007 in Sam & Max
The adventure site Just Adventure+ is reporting that Telltale Games and The Adventure Company will announce later this week that they will be working together to release a retail version of Sam and Max: Season One in either late August or early September.

Any truth to the report? And what do people think?


  • edited February 2007
    The more sales the better. There are some people who simply won't / can't download 50MB - 100MB files. Seeing the package is already being made for the season buyers (and for 'normal' sale via the Telltale site), it's a no-brainer to partner up with a distributor and also chuck a few copies on retail shelves to test the waters.
  • edited February 2007
    I think we'll know some time before 11:59 PM Saturday night.

    ... Unless the fine folks at The Telltale Gamery And Drive-Thru Apothecary count Sunday as part of this week, like some people I know.
  • edited February 2007
    Wow! This is great news. I'm definatly buying it if it happens. :D

    Will this be the same CD subscribers will be able to get?
  • edited February 2007
    ShaggE wrote: »
    I think we'll know some time before 11:59 PM Saturday night.

    ... Unless the fine folks at The Telltale Gamery And Drive-Thru Apothecary count Sunday as part of this week, like some people I know.

    Heh, "this week" could also be construed to be "within the next 7 days," which would be a perfectly timed announcement for the Game Developers Conference, which is next week.

    Of course, now that the cat's out of the bag, they may deny/confirm it earlier than planned to halt the recurrence of rampant speculation that has been plaguing Telltale recently (speculation about Monkey Island, DS, and Xbox 360 all in one week!).
  • edited February 2007
    But no speculation as to why Gary Brolsma became famous for "Numa Numa", and why my "Dance Medley" series was left in obscurity, gathering dust and vitriolic comments by wayward YouTube spammers, despite Dance Medley having 48% more flailing than Numa Numa????

    Not that I'm bitter.

    Just a bit less than sober at the moment.

    Okay, a little bitter.

    EDIT: I'll get you yet, Brolsma!!! You've Numa-ed your last Numa!!
  • edited February 2007
    numble wrote: »
    planned to halt the recurrence of rampant speculation

    But that story was just a joke poking fun at all the other speculation...
  • edited February 2007
    jp-30 wrote: »
    But that story was just a joke poking fun at all the other speculation...

    I know that... but... I have no smart reply.
  • edited February 2007
    A simple "KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" should do nicely. It's the all-purpose reply, you know.
  • edited February 2007
    Makes sense.. I thought they would have got a bigger publisher though.. I think it will do quite well in stores.
  • edited February 2007
    Well, considering I ran across the CSI game they made in Best Buy, I don't see why they wouldn't release a retail version of Sam & Max.
  • edited February 2007
    We're talking something more important than "selling a few copies more". A big publisher like The Adventure Company has a working international distribution system, so this means that people around the world who don't know English will have a better chance to play this wonderful series in their languages!!!
    Let's rejoice. :D
  • edited February 2007
    We season one subscribers better not get a cheap version of the cd version.

    From now on I'm getting my beer from Smiley Bone.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    Hey guys,

    This wasn't supposed to have been announced yet, and I don't actually have all the details about how this release will be similar to / different than our own Season 1 (except that TAC's won't have a download option), but as soon as we have some info to share, we will!

    TAC has a huge retail presence, so obviously this is going to be a great way to reach people who don't already know about Sam & Max: Season 1.
  • edited March 2007
    I know you guys are second-to-none when it comes to looking after your customers, so this may be completely redundant. May I ask that if this TAC version comes with any 'goodies' in the box - Sam & Max figurines, collector's cards, a hypnoisis kit - could there please be an option at some point for Season Buyers to be able to purchase the goodies direct from Telltale to upgrade their version to the same status as the retail version?

    And the JA+ story wasn't so much an 'exclusive' as a 'leak'. huh?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    Could there please be an option at some point for Season Buyers to be able to purchase the goodies direct from Telltale to upgrade their version to the same status as the retail version?

    Who says their version will be better? ;)

    Much too early for anyone to answer any of these types of questions - as I said, this deal wasn't even supposed to be public yet, and as far as I know none of these sorts of details are ironed out.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    We don't know what will go in either version, or which version will be "superior" in any way, because it hasn't been decided what goes on what. Both releases will surely have something special, and we don't want to disappoint anyone. That said, any retail version and the season preorder version won't be interchangeable or upgradeable.

    For now, go check the pirate webcam.
  • edited March 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    That said, any retail version and the season preorder version won't be interchangeable or upgradeable.

    It's not a real problem. If one's a collector, he/she'll buy both versions anyway. If not, I think anyone can live with the Telltale version. ;)
    I'm MUCH more interested in knowing if the deal is for a WORLDWIDE publishing or just limited to USA. THAT's what matters to us Europeans, ahem... :p
  • edited March 2007
    jp-30 wrote: »
    The more sales the better. There are some people who simply won't / can't download 50MB - 100MB files. Seeing the package is already being made for the season buyers (and for 'normal' sale via the Telltale site), it's a no-brainer to partner up with a distributor and also chuck a few copies on retail shelves to test the waters.

    500-100 Mb files?

    Thats nothing these days, most demos are well over 1Gb, and a lot of patches can hit the 300-500Mb mark. Some games are 7-8Gb which can be downloaded over steam...

    Anyhow back on topic, I think the plans were that telltale would post out a retail copy of the game once the series was over, to all the people who ordered the whole series. It's not a big stretch from doing that to selling it retail in the shops, although it would need to be the whole series on one disc for anyone to buy it.
  • edited March 2007
    I hope that the retail release hits the same market as the Shrek movies did... parents buy it for their kids possibly, watch and help them play it, and then kick the kid off the stool once they realize the humor is better suited to adults.

    I just want more children to get kicked out of high chairs.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    Well, it'll be renamed "Sam & Max in: Shrek Season One Adventures," so that's pretty much a guarantee. I'm currnetly shopping for a private island on which to retire.
  • edited March 2007
    Diduz wrote: »
    THAT's what matters to us Europeans, ahem... :p

    I thought it was sex and booze? :confused:
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    I just want more children to get kicked out of high chairs.

    I have to agree.
  • edited March 2007
    500-100 Mb files?

    Thats nothing these days, most demos are well over 1Gb, and a lot of patches can hit the 300-500Mb mark. Some games are 7-8Gb which can be downloaded over steam...

    Anyhow back on topic, I think the plans were that telltale would post out a retail copy of the game once the series was over, to all the people who ordered the whole series. It's not a big stretch from doing that to selling it retail in the shops, although it would need to be the whole series on one disc for anyone to buy it.

    I'll never forget an article I read in a late 90's issue of Computer Gaming Magazine, where one of the journalists was complaining about some racing game taking up a Gb of hard drive space, and how he couldn't understand why it had to be so big....

    How times do change, eh?
  • edited March 2007
    I thought it was sex and booze? :confused:

    I hope what I wrote won't be detrimental to our tourist industry.
  • edited March 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    For now, go check the pirate webcam.

    Oh I am, Jake, I am. In fact, I have the internet plugged into my eyes so I can watch the pirate grow.
  • edited March 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Well, it'll be renamed "Sam & Max in: Shrek Season One Adventures"

    For some reason, that cause me to audibly chuckle for about 20 seconds. Actually, I am currently chuckling out loud just thinking about it. Dry humor is the best humor.

    For all of your Private Islands needs, you can check Private Islands Online. They are the the #1 Private Islands Resource. Casco Bay Island looks nice.

    And Emily, I am glad to see that even though you seem all nice and caring on these forums, you still enjoy the subtle pleasures of inflicting slight bodily harm on America's future generations.
  • edited March 2007
    Derwin wrote: »
    I hope that the retail release hits the same market as the Shrek movies did... parents buy it for their kids possibly, watch and help them play it, and then kick the kid off the stool once they realize the humor is better suited to adults.

    This may already be happening...


    Whoops, that person is actually about Nick's age...
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