Episode 4 released early?!

edited March 2007 in Sam & Max
Just wanted to make sure that this was legit, i've had an email saying episode 4 was released a week early with a link to the download, I just wanted to make sure this was Legit before running the exe (I'm a bit paranoid ya'know)

If so, big thanks to the devs, much apreciated!


  • edited March 2007
    Go for it!
  • edited March 2007
    Hmmm... you just gave me an idea for a great scam for next month. Now how do I get the e-mails of everyone on the forum...? :D
  • edited March 2007
    Telltale, have I told you how much I love you, lately? :D
  • edited March 2007
    Matan, have I told you how much I hate and admire you lately? :D
  • edited March 2007
    This is the 2076th greatest day of my life!
  • edited March 2007
    Telltale! You guys and gals are, without a doubt, the best company in the world!

    I can't think of another game developer that offers a fantastic product at an incredibly low price, and surprises its customers with early releases and lots of other cool content!

    A sincere thanks!
  • edited March 2007
    It's really cool to release it to us Season 1 customers. That was a really smart move indeed! (I'm only on ep2 right now, but I'm listening to the music to ep4!)

    Really nice indeed.

    Thanks Telltale :)
  • edited March 2007
    where did u listen to music from ep 4?
  • edited March 2007
    I am 100 percent positive i'm gonna buy season 2 if it ever comes out... what you did so far to kill my so badly needed leisure time is just awesome. thank you, guys!
  • edited March 2007
    where did u listen to music from ep 4?
    Try the Telltale Music Extractor.
  • edited March 2007
    I thought the deal with gametap was that they would get the release a set amount of days before telltale started giving it out.
  • edited March 2007
    technicly all they did was make a special offer for those who purchesed the first season set (and basicly donated funds for the upcomming episodes by agreeing to buy all of the episodes ahead of time) so they did not "actually" release the 4th episode worldwide yet (meaning it is not avalable to anyone outside the season one package holders)

    so i think this "breach" is perfectly legal in the lines of their agreement with gametap

    i just hope that telltale keeps this up and releases episodes 5 and 6 early as well................ although a week early is rather extravagant, i think that we will all settle for just a day or two of an early release (because the usual "few hours early" just does not cut it now after what they did for episode 4) sorry telltale, you dug your own grave on this one and left us needing some sort of special perks because we purchased the whole season ahead of time
  • edited March 2007
    It's a good PR move that doesn't, in any way, hurt Gametap. There should be no problem for it. And we have no problem with it either. Why ask why?
  • edited March 2007
    It wouldn't be fair to expect Telltale Games to release the rest of the games early just because they released one early. It was a surprise. A special gesture, but we shouldn't count on it to be a regular occurrence and be disappointed if it doesn't happen.

    Of course, there are other ways they could "thank" the season buyers without releasing the episodes early. Examples: Sam & Max screensavers, wallpapers, buddy chat icons, or mp3 downloads of some of the hillarious songs in the games.

    These would also be fun ways to say thank you, so let's not punish them for their treat by asking for that same treat every month.

    And for the person who asked if this went against the deal with gametap, I'm sure TTG would not have done this without full agreement from gametap. Don't forget that with the 15 day difference, Gametap customers still got the game over a week before season subscribers.
  • edited March 2007
    yeah, i know............. the one week early release (while appreicated) was somewhat uncalled for and overkill, i think that a 24 hour prerelease for the season customers is a fine compromise

    because, i dont know....... just a few hours is not that much of a pre-release, and if we get it a day early then it feels like we are actually getting something tangible in return for our continued support

    or maybe you are right, maybe there is some other way that telltale could thanks us for showing support........... like exclusive content, or maybe they could let us help them test patches for the episodes
  • edited March 2007
    Blackphyr wrote: »
    Of course, there are other ways they could "thank" the season buyers without releasing the episodes early. Examples: Sam & Max screensavers, wallpapers, buddy chat icons, or mp3 downloads of some of the hillarious songs in the games.
    I've got another one: a limousine with chauffeur, to drive me to Africa, where I will be personally invited by the local dictator to choose a diamond from the local diamond mine. Then we (the diamond and I) will be driven to Antwerp, where the diamond shall be cut, whereupon I will be taken across the Channel by ocean liner to London, where the diamond will be sold by Sotheby's. I will then be offered a seat on a chartered flight which will take me to the Telltale headquarters, where I will walk into the offices on a red carpet to indicate my celebrity status. There, I am offered a soda, which I use to alleviate my thirst, whereupon the entire Telltale staff signs the can, which I then take with me on my flight back home. Just a suggestion.
  • edited March 2007
    It was delayed -7 days and I'm suitably -outraged.
  • edited March 2007
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    and if we get it a day early then it feels like we are actually getting something tangible in return for our continued support

    Oh right, because saving $26 over the price of buying the games individually isn't tangible enough? :confused:
  • edited March 2007
    actually i just got the season one set a few days ago just so i could get episode 4 early................ so all i saved by getting it was something like 89 cents (i snoozed and i lose)

    but thats beside the point because i do not mind putting out a few extra bucks for such a good game

    all i am saying is that telltale can do better than just a few hours early release............... but i am not saying i want every remaining episode an entire week earlyer than everyone else

    i am almost ready to drop the subject because i am suprised that no one is with me on this
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