Holy headaches happening to hypocondriatic hippos in the Hatian zoo!

edited March 2007 in Sam & Max
Talk about out of the box puzzles! I had to visit the help forum FOUR SEPARATE TIMES because I couldn't figure out what to do! And when I found out what to do, the solutions came so far out of left field that not only did I not see them coming, but they also gave me a slight battle with wanting to slam my face against the hardwood floor of my computer room!

Thanks for the brillent and wacky puzzle designs that were both unorthedox and very original.


  • edited March 2007
    Perfect description of my signature.
  • edited March 2007
    They definitely were incorporating feedback in this episode. Max seemed so much more vicious and hilarious.
  • edited March 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    Talk about out of the box puzzles! I had to visit the help forum FOUR SEPARATE TIMES because I couldn't figure out what to do!

    Why didn't you try and figure it out yourself? You know its 5 weeks till the next episode is released.. what is the rush to complete the game in one sitting?
  • edited March 2007
    That's the bad part of story-driven games, one feels much more inclined to take the easy way out if their drawn into the story.
  • edited March 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    Why didn't you try and figure it out yourself? You know its 5 weeks till the next episode is released.. what is the rush to complete the game in one sitting?

    I didn't feel like investing that much time into solving one puzzle only to have to deal with yet another puzzle I didn't have a clue how to get pass. Besides, I'm easily frustrated, so if the Brady Dream taught me anything about how much my gaming habits have changed, it has shown me that...

    ...well, let's just say if I didn't look at that forum, I'd be trying to click everything that wasn't nailed down and trying to use every inventory item on everything until the process of elimination became as mundane a task as making fries at MacD's. Seriously, the amount of things you can click on just for jokes alone is staggering!
  • edited March 2007
    Yeah and that's a good thing.. lots of jokes while you are trying to figure it out.. THINK ZEEK THINK! don't be afraid to use your brain it won't hurt you haha :p
  • edited March 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    Yeah and that's a good thing.. lots of jokes while you are trying to figure it out.. THINK ZEEK THINK! don't be afraid to use your brain it won't hurt you haha :p

    So, I decided to follow Hero's advice, and spent quite some time in game trying to get past a certain point in the game. While you may be right that the brain can't itself hurt me, it does have control over various body parts that can inflict physical harm upon one's self. I am currently recovering from several 2nd degree burns and a bruised kidney, as retaliation from using my brain too much.
    Next thread title: "Do you think Telltale should lower the difficulty of their games?"
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