Dreamfall Goes Episodic
This has gotta be a result of TellTales success with episodic gaming?
(It definitely can't be a reflection of Valves attempts?)
Dreamfall Chapters
My favourite thing about more games becoming episodic is how much some people get angry about the whole thing - Games must be released whole and in a manner with which doesn't scare and confuse me!
(It definitely can't be a reflection of Valves attempts?)
Dreamfall Chapters
My favourite thing about more games becoming episodic is how much some people get angry about the whole thing - Games must be released whole and in a manner with which doesn't scare and confuse me!
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If were talking about games that didn't really work for us...
I always thought Fahrenheit/ Indigo Prophecy was annoying...
I also thought Psychonauts was kinda fun, but no where near as amazing as most people seem to think?
The best thing about episodic content is it opens the door for indie games to compete. The games industry really needs that. Video games are stagnating and need a fresh and inviative idea to give it a kick in the kiester.
I hope episodic gaming changes that. You have to stay fresh and creative if you're going to keep the customer hooked. Telltale is doing a fantastic job. I want to know who is behind this whole hypnotic consiperacy. Episodic gaming really is more like TV episodes and full games are like straight-to-DVD movies.
Anyways, Telltale is the king of Episodic Gaming and could reallty teach the others a thing or two
I see the same argument levelled an 'new' (bad) music vs. 'old' music (good) and even movies.
There has always been good and bad music, just as there have always been good and bad games. Just as you rarely find exciting, innovative new interesting music on the Top 20 shelves in record stores, you'll only find new, innovative games if you look a little past those being shoved in your face in your standard chain-store Gaming shops. Companies will tend to throw their marketing dollars at tried-and-tested guaranteed sellers, but that's not to say they aren't also releasing interesting stuff. It's just not being marketed at the save level.
It may take a little more research to uncover the gems, but they're there if you look for them.
Deus Ex and System Shock. Plenty of people know OF these games, but not nearly as many have actually played them. They both flopped at release, since nobody wanted to risk buying a hybrid FPS-RPG. Only after a few fansites went up did people play them. Shame, considering their both incredible games, that few others have emulated. Luckily GameTap has Deus Ex 2, so more people will be inclined to play it and realize what they've been missing.
I was just about to say that.. Great post!
Sorry, after Telltale just showed that classic PnC-Adventure are still fun (and hopefully selling well) this "Xboxisation" of one of my Favorite Games of all time (TLJ, that is) even feels worse.
It seemed to match the sort of thing TellTale were talking about when discussing the Sam&Max episodic game styles - when responding to people complaining about it being too easy and not enough like 'proper' adventure game - Like Fry says "Clever things make people feel stupid and unexpected things make them feel scared."
Also the Inquirer has a story about it...
I could really see some aspects of Dreamfall in Broken Sword 4 and Broken Sword 3, which leads me to believe these game producers were a little inspired of each other
Jake - I didn't mean they would half-ass it, all I was saying is that if the eps don't sell they might not be able to finish the series.