Ep 4 song

edited March 2007 in Sam & Max
Oh my god, the
war song
is just SO brilliant.
After the slow introduction I already thought, wow, what a great joke on musicals, but then it REALLY started ;) All the dancing, the camera movements, the instrumental dancing part in the war room, the closeups... Wow!

I also loved Max's look on his face when the song starts, hehe ;)

If we consider Sam and Max Episode 1 as one game, we have already been offered three great songs with lyrics so far, that can easily hold up with the likes of Conroy Bumpus, "A pirate I was meant to be" or "Rusty Anchor".

However, I have one minor request: Since the song didn't contain any subtitles, could someone please publish the lyrics. I do understand some of them (especially the main phrase that comes over and over again), but I'm also missing out others.

Oh, and by the way, the rest of the music is of course excellent as well. Cudos for working with live musicians in Season 1, it's definitely worth the extra costs!


  • edited March 2007
    The War Song - LYRICS:

    What's this I hear?
    What wondrous thing?
    Is this the Defcon klaxon's ring?

    A flashing light...
    Above the doooor!
    There's just one thing it could mean...


    Oh, what is it good for? (What is it good for?) It's good for you,
    (Good for
    you!) It's good for me!

    Ohh, War!
    What is it good for? (What is it good for?) Oh, it strengthens the
    It shows the world that we've got stones! (We've got stones!)
    carriers... with fighter drones! (Vo doh dee oh!)

    Oh, what is it good for? (What is it good for?) It's good for you
    it's good
    for me!

    (It's the cat's meow!)

    (Vo doh dee oh!)

    Heeeere we go!

    (Hyah! Woo! Wooo-hoo! Yeah! Ohhh yeah!)

    Oh, what is it good for? (What is it good for?) It's good for you!
    (Doo waka
    doo waka doo waka doo waka doo!) It's good for me!

    Oh, war!
    Oh, what is it good for? (What is it good for?) Ohhh, it strengthens the

    A lengthy battle's an incumbent's dream! (Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh!)
    Because you
    can't change horses...
    In mid stream!

    For bombs (Boom!)
    And guns (Bang!)
    And so much more (Napalm!)
    We celebrate the joys of war!

    For bombs and guns, and so much more...
    We celebrate the joys of war!

    P.S.: I got these from Emily, I've also been having problems understanding all of the lyrics. :p
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