Sam and Max quotables

edited March 2007 in Sam & Max
episode 4 was so funny I thought i'd go back and write some of them down..this is a work in progress, but some of my favs

"Demonic possesions is the the gift that keeps giving"

"doggy daddy this is loose cannon permission to pants this goon.. over"

"Hey no fair you're not supposed to listen to casual asides."

Max: I'll drive
Sam: Not while I'm alive
Max: exactly

"oh and cybernetic implants like an elbow that can connect to the Internet."

Max: People should find love the old fashioned way.
Sam: A chloroformed rag in a dark alley
Max: What can I say I'm set in my ways

Hugh Bliss: you can't sell the wonder of a day dream or the laughter of a child
Max: He's right, I've tried.

Sam: Ever feel lonely Max?
Max: No I have the voices to keep me company.

Max: Who are you calling?
Sam: Nobody. I just wanted to harmonise with the dial tone.

Shooting out window: Oww, my prosthetic gall bladder.

Aussie reference: cosier than a caffiene addled dingo in an Adelaide maternity ward.

President on Answering Machine: When I took office 3 years ago I made a solemn promise to help you, the american people. Now thanks to your collective short term memory I can say I delivered on that promise.


  • edited March 2007
    I think episode 4 might be the most quotable episode yet.

    "One law, one rabbit. All hail Max."

    "Sam did it!"

    "Stay frosty America"

    Wizzer's whole Soda abuse spiel.

    Those are just off the top of my head. I loved the War Song.
  • edited March 2007
    Max's lines were amazing in this episode. Really well done.
  • edited March 2007
    Sam: "Please do not feed the submarine."
    Max: What can you feed a submarine, anyway?
    Sam: Nothing! Weren't you listening?

    A bit lame, but it makes me laugh every time. I also liked the following one:

    "I have not so much a personality matrix as a personality vector."
  • edited March 2007
    Bosco: The feds, man! They're watching us!
    Max: So that's why I feel an over-looming shadow just out of my field of vision *turns to the player* watching and judging my every move.
  • edited March 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    Bosco: The feds, man! They're watching us!
    Max: So that's why I feel an over-looming shadow just out of my field of vision *turns to the player* watching and judging my every move.

    Sam: "No, that's just me!"
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