Download won't resume.

O.k, I'm getting really annoyed trying to download Bone. It's at 18%, and tries to resume, but it doesn't. If I cancel the download to start from scratch, it continues to resume from 18% but won't. How can I start from scratch?


  • edited September 2005
    Hi there seregrail7,

    There are a few files that the system is relying on when trying to resume your download. On a Windows XP system the download manager caches the installer in a temp file found under:

    C:\Documents and Settings\<USER_NAME>\Local Settings\Temp\DRDld

    On my system, the exact path is

    C:\Documents and Settings\Troy\Local Settings\Temp\DRDld

    If you delete this DRDld directory, you will be able to start fresh.

    Please let me know how that works for you.


  • edited September 2005
    I had to show hidden files to access the folder, but it works.
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