mega huge spoilers (don't read)

edited March 2007 in Sam & Max
Can anyone resist clicking every spoiler they see? Even if I know it will completely ruin something for me, I can't resist clicking them. I just need to know what's hiding from me!

By the way, make all your replies to this thread spoilers to trick everyone else!


  • edited March 2007
    I know what you mean. I blame my inherant curiosity. :D

    Anyone else going to take the bate?
  • edited March 2007
    Oh come on... Don't mislabel threads as spoilers... :(
  • edited March 2007
    rdjackson1 wrote: »
    I know what you mean. I blame my inherant curiosity. :D

    Anyone else going to take the bate?
    The reason I replied to you was to comment on you being from Worcester. Small world. My parents live there and I grew up in Malvern!
  • edited March 2007
    Snape Kills Voldemort. Oh wait, wrong place. Nevermind. You got me to click on every spoiler so far :D
  • edited March 2007
    Xtniop fgillywhth snpqrtx zzwzzb. (Translation from the ancient magic language of Xnuxza: Reading these words have cursed you with impotence.) ...guess sometimes curiosity does kill the cat, eh? Luckily I'm immune to the curse, since I come from the planet Xnuxza myself.
  • edited March 2007
    Wouldn't a curse designed by xnuxzians for xnuxzians work better on you than on earthlings?
    Oh yeah, and (spoiler alert)
    Darth Vader is Luke's (and Leia's) father, and Rosebud is a sled.
  • edited March 2007
    GalFisk wrote: »
    Wouldn't a curse designed by xnuxzians for xnuxzians work better on you than on earthlings?
    No, because we specifically developed it for Earthlings. You see, it is a little known fact that Xnuxzians are fierce real estate agents, always buying and selling planets. In this case, Lord Snibbiznob of the Ttttty galaxy plans to open a shopping mall on your planet. That's why we are trying to get the curse printed everywhere possible, to slowly exterminate Earthlings to make room for the shopping mall. We would have used death rays, but we lent our last one to our neighbour planet of mm$mm€mm, who still haven't returned it. I hear they're using it to mow the lawn or something.
  • edited March 2007
    GAAAAAAAAAHHHH! I can't stop reading these spoilers even though they're ruining everything for me!

    By the way, Bruce Willis is dead the whole movie
  • edited March 2007
    Haggis wrote: »
    *Revelation of the Xnuzians entire evil plan*
    A-ha! I knew there was something funny going on. I got my first suspicions with
    all the v|agr@ spam I've been getting lately
    , now the question is, is that a plot
    to thwart your evil plan with potency pills
    , or is it your way to
    earn money for the building of the mall by selling massive amounts of ineffective drugs to an increasingly desperate populace
    Aside from that, why can't you
    build in the sahara desert or some other empty place, or if you need more space, on the moon?

    Oh yeah, and
    the 12 monkeys didn't do it, some other guy did
  • edited March 2007
    GalFisk wrote: »
    A-ha! I knew there was something funny going on. I got my first suspicions with
    all the v|agr@ spam I've been getting lately
    , now the question is, is that a plot
    to thwart your evil plan with potency pills
    , or is it your way to
    earn money for the building of the mall by selling massive amounts of ineffective drugs to an increasingly desperate populace
    Aside from that, why can't you
    build in the sahara desert or some other empty place, or if you need more space, on the moon?
    You're right about the V!@gr4 pills. Of course that only works on the dumb Earthlings, but there are enough of those, luckily. To milk those guys even further, we have dropped an elite regiment of Xnuxzian princes in what you call Nigeria, about 15 years ago. They are now busy extorting the lesser Earthlings, the ones who fall for that stuff. That's also a reason why we can't build the shopping mall in the Sahara - the Xnuxzian princes were told they could keep Nigeria after the human race has died out.
    Actually, that's not the true story. They aren't princes; they were outcasts... what you'd call... djardjarbinxes? I think that's the word. Of course they will have to die as well when the shopping mall is built. The real reason we cannot build on the Sahara or on the Moon, is that your planet's oceans are perfect for Snibbiznob's plans. The Pacific Ocean will be left intact, and will be used as a sealife attraction park. The Atlantic will be turned into a ball pit for Lord Snibbiznob's children.
  • edited March 2007
    I see. I guess then that you're somehow not aware of our plan to
    poison the oceans and make the climate untolerably hot
    , which is odd because it hasn't been kept very secret. But then again,
    hubris is a common weakness amongst races who percieve themselves as "superior"
    , look at what happened to the
    for instance.
    We will of course also develop defenses against your curse words, we already have some [bleep]ing annoying bleeping to defend our ears against native curses, which could easily be reworked to include yours. Something like sunglasses that go completely black if a curse is spotted would work, I know
    of some that are sensitive to peril in general, but those aren't very practical in today's society
  • edited March 2007
    I see that you humans are a tough nut to crack. Therefore there will be a change of plan. We will put the shopping mall on Mars instead, and as a punishment for you guys getting all smarty-pants against us, the superior Xnuxzian race, we'll just build a giant mirror there as well, that will help you boil your oceans just a bit faster, by reflecting the Sun's light onto your puny little planet.
  • edited March 2007
    I like where you're going with the
    plan to poison all the oceans
    but I'm also partial to
    feeding babies radioactive waste

    Also, I think I've discovered something significant. Anyone notice how
    No one has ever seen Frank Sinatra's dead body? I suspect he is still wandering around shoving people in front of trains
  • edited March 2007
    We already tried that with Chernobyl and Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but it didn't go fast enough to Lord Snibbiznob's tastes.

    Also, with the
    dead body
    , wasn't that
    Elvis? Or Conroy Bumpus, I can never keep them apart.
  • edited March 2007
    Good on you, I knew we could come to a reasonable arrangement.
    *Hides plans documenting the inclusion of ICBM (or rather, IPBM) targeting beacons in the many Mars spacecraft that has "crashed" on the planet over the years, as well as the laser targeting systems built into the Spirit and Opportunity rovers*

    Now, we already have plans to
    build mirrors to cool the Earth down, so when both our plans are finished, we can have fun playing pong with sunlight (3 to 22 minutes bounce time depending on orbital positions).

    Lord Snibbiznob has very peculiar taste if he thinks nuclear devastation is too slow, but extinction by disrupting the human reproductive cycle is quick enough. Then again, it wouldn't surprise me if he was the kind to find entertainment value in that sort fo thing. After all, many villains enjoy seeing their victims suffer a similar fate to that of themselves.
  • edited March 2007
    You didn't really think that
    the crashing of the Brittish built Beagle 2 probe was an accident
    did you?
  • edited March 2007
    it was the maid in the kitchen with the broken beer bottle prison shank
  • edited March 2007
    Verble Kint *is* Keyser Soze.
  • edited March 2007
    Tyrome is not the father
  • edited March 2007
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    it was the maid in the kitchen with the broken beer bottle prison shank
    They have beer bottles in prison to make shanks out of? Hell, glass bottles of any kind for that matter. Perhaps in Shawshank, oh that Andy.
  • edited March 2007
    The Butler was the murder.
  • edited March 2007
    Lucasarts has cancelled the project for S&M: freelance police.
  • edited March 2007
    The Butler was the murder.
    No, it was Colonel Mustard, with a candlestick, in the library.
  • edited March 2007
    Buuga wrote: »
    Lucasarts has cancelled the project for S&M: freelance police.
  • edited March 2007
    Do not want.
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    GalFisk wrote: »
    Wouldn't a curse designed by xnuxzians for xnuxzians work better on you than on earthlings?
    Oh yeah, and (spoiler alert)
    Darth Vader is Luke's (and Leia's) father, and Rosebud is a sled.

    i hated
    citizen kane
    with a passion. i wanted to
    when i stayed up until 2 in the
    just to find out that
    was a god damned

    any1 seen that family guy episode?
  • edited March 2007
    Don't forget,
    Soylent Green is people!
  • edited March 2007
    For those of you who are Wrath of Khan fans...
    Spock comes back in Star Trek III.
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