Videos Don't Load While Playing

edited March 2007 in Site Support
I've noticed that the videos on the site (in the Sam and Max section, specifically) don't load while they're playing.

If I press pause, the rest of the video will download very quickly. If I press play before all of the video is downloaded, the download will stop at that point until the playback reaches it, then the video will automatically stall and a little bit more of the video will download, then it will repeat - play, stall, download, play, stall, download.

So far I've found my best option is to immediately pause the video and allow the entire thing to load, then play it once it's reached 100%.

I'm using Firefox on Windows XP Professional.


  • edited March 2007
    Confirmed on Firefox
  • edited March 2007
    Good point. I tried it out in IE7, and the videos load normally even while playing, so at this point it appears to be a Firefox thing.
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