Will Telltale count "The Silver Lining" as part of the continuity?

Just curious, will Telltale count the fan game "The Silver Lining" as part of the continuity as Activision eventually allowed it to be released even though at first they issued a cease-and-desist?


  • edited February 2011
    If this is a reboot as in it startin over again, I doubt it.
  • edited February 2011
    Even if it's a sequel, it's unlikely. TSL is a fangame, and it probably won't even be finished by the time Telltale writes their story.

    Similarly, I don't expect the events of AGDI's KQII+ to be included in Telltale's canon.

    There MIGHT be a subtle homage to the fangames, like how the Ghostbusters game had a nod to the Freddy vs. Ghostbusters/Return of the Ghostbusters fanfilms.
  • edited February 2011
    God I hope not. The TSL team deserves great praise for getting their project finished (well, at least, they will when they release the last episode), but the story and tone of the game are completely divorced from the magic of the original series. I would hope that Telltale would attempt to stay a little closer to the source material.
  • edited February 2011
    If it is really a reboot in the Star Trek sense of a reboot, then it will have a new continuity.
  • edited February 2011
    God I hope not.

    EDIT: Lol! I just noticed that Lamb posted the exact same thing. Totally unintentional hehe.

    Seeing as both AGDI's KQ2+ and TSL's storylines don't retain any correlation with eachother, Telltale picking one fangame over the other would be kind of counterproductive. It'd be safer to just pretend neither existed.
  • edited February 2011
    God, I hope not.

  • edited February 2011
    God, I hope not.
  • edited February 2011
    This thread is becoming increasingly hilarious.
  • edited February 2011
    Or how about they just reference it within some dialog line somewhere? That'd be nice and yet wouldn't break the "cannon", so to speak.
  • edited February 2011
    Lambonius wrote: »
    God I hope not.

  • edited February 2011
    Lambonius wrote: »
    God I hope not.
    God I hope not.
    God, I hope not.

    God, I hope not.

    That makes four from IA. And Rather Dashing, of course. Have I killed the joke yet? :D
  • edited February 2011
    God I hope so! :D

    Though lacking in some areas (from what I've seen in the first two parts) it's still far from completely divorced of the magic, and it's still evolving. I'll be pretty darned pleased if TellTale hits this close in aesthetic, tone and story. In fact, as it is now, the game structure feels a lot like the TellTale staple; 5 episodes with a few panning camera screens each. If they can raise beyond the linear plot control and restricted locations, then it will really feel like a King's Quest and I'll be ecstatic (the TSL developers seem to think they can do just that when it's released as one game).

    But as to TSL being likely to be included in continuity, chances are it won't. Generally that's what to expect from a fan game status, even though these fan games are likely a huge part of the reason the series is being revived.

    There are wild cards here; the Lead designer of TSL used to work for TTG, and who knows the exact nature of what they've worked out with Activision, maybe there's more room for discourse here then usual. The best to hope, I figure, is if they agree not to tread on the others toes; say not tell a story about the Black Cloaks per say, or dramatically rewrite KQ Canon.

    I just wish all the games, or at least the "good ones", would just flow harmoniously, then I wouldn't have to think about "alternate realities" or play favorites. Heck, so far AGDI's stories aren't incompatible with TSL per say, although they are both actively releasing more so maybe not anymore.

    (Why is this happening all at once BTW? Can the internet handle this amount of Fangasm?
    Brainiac wrote: »
    Have I killed the joke yet? :D

    God I hope so!
  • edited February 2011
    I see what you did there.
  • edited February 2011
    But what a coincidence that you showed up 3 minutes before I was done. Excellent timing, and thanks for the extra joke!
  • edited February 2011
    Gosh, I hope not. LOL

    I've only played episode 1 and a few parts of episode 2 so I might have gotten the whole experience playing TSL, but from what I have gotten, it is just full of fanservice. It fills too convoluted since it is strongly tied to KQ6 and 7. With a reboot, TTG has less restrictions and more freedom in working on their own KQ game
  • edited February 2011
    No I hope not. If telltale was to make it's own sequel to KQ I'd rather see them use their own vision rather than reference wildly different interpretations by the various fan games.

    The fan games take quite a few liberties from the canon games that simply shouldn't appear in an official game.

    Intact I would go as far to say I'd like the game to receive some input from former Sierra KQ developers and designers who might have a clue of the direction Roberta herself would have taken with KQ9. Or incorporate ideas cut during the development from previous games in the series into new story.
  • CezCez
    edited February 2011
    no, Telltale shouldn't take TSL into consideration. The Silver Lining is a fan's dream, and is catered very much to the fans, absolutely and completely filled with nostalgia, and even forcing the story and changing some of the facts to make it feel as if the whole series revolved around the same thing, making connections that only fans would understand, and taking the series to a step beyond King's Quest VI, in terms of a more serious and elaborated plot.

    The plot of The Silver Lining works in a way so that we could bring back all of the characters that we learned to love and hate, and so that we could reference each one of the games in the franchise somehow, and to introduce that "epic" factor that many fans would expect from a final episode. The choices for TSL were all made around the idea of giving the fans the opportunity to spend one last time with all their beloved characters and to really get to know them. --again, thinking as fans, what would a fan's dream wish to see in what we wanted to do as the final episode of the saga.

    But for a reboot/commercial game, things would need to be taken in a fresh new direction, and go back to the roots of King's Quest, where simplicity was key. Where it all revolved around the simple task of exploring a new land, a simple goal, and a simple villain, great puzzles, death sequences, and the enchanting idea of being one of the royal family members in a new quest. But, again, and like many have said here, simplicity is key. Where all goes back to the very roots of fairy tales, folklore and mythology, and, of course, adventure!, and where we can enjoy being once more with the Daventry family.

    Director, The Silver Lining

    PS: And can someone remove the Telltale logo from my profile? I don't work here anymore :)
  • edited February 2011
    Question for clarification: Are you working on this project specifically? If so, what are you doing?
  • CezCez
    edited February 2011
    for TSL, you mean? I designed, directed and produced it.

    If you mean Telltale's KQ, I'm not affiliated with Telltale anymore.
  • edited February 2011
    In that case, you should have changed your signature, title, and whatnot slightly before posting in a thread about this sort of thing, and maybe explained your involvement with TSL.

    But it was also probably mostly my bad. I kind of anxious to hear anything concrete from guys on the inside other than "Your call is very important to us. Please stand by. Your expected wait time is LESS THAN fifteen minutes."
  • CezCez
    edited February 2011
    sorry, I hadn't posted here since my days at Telltale. I didn't notice all that until I actually made the post.

    For the record, I'm extremely excited that Telltale is doing this. I know the team, there's some crazy talent there and I'm sure they'll do an amazing job.
  • edited February 2011
    I'm a bit biased towards TSL too, but I certainly agree that it should be considered wholly separate from canon. It would be really interesting to see what the official continuation would be, if any. I wonder how much of the series they're planning on rebooting? They should totally redo Mask of Eternity and take out all the fighting. XD Or maybe make it more QFG style.

    Also, I'm aware that TSL isn't perfect, but it still feels pretty dang awesome to see the end result after so many years. I'm honored to be a part of it. Now where did I put that lamp...
  • edited February 2011
    Cez, your post is fabulous.

    I have much admiration for many aspects of the fan games, but what you say in the last paragraph before your signature is what official King's Quest is all about.

    As you say, they need to tap into the original energy rather than advanced elaborations of it, regardless of how admirable those elaborations are.

    You are a great sport. :)
  • edited February 2011
    I love TSL, but I agree that it shouldn't be considered for Telltale's reboot. Nobody ever claimed it was official, and I don't think it should be treated as such. I'm really looking forward to seeing what TT does with King's Quest!
  • edited February 2011
    I really excited for a new Kings Quest too! Who would turn down a new Kings Quest, I wouldn't. TSL is like the books that were published years ago and those were great too. I can't wait to see what they come up with.
  • edited February 2011
    Who would turn down a new Kings Quest
    Anyone that doesn't really care for 7 and 8, for one. Anyone who doesn't want the rivals who despise everything about the original game's design philosophy helming the fate of the franchise is another. People who think an honorable death is better than digging it up, stuffing it, and parading it about to imitate life in some vengeful money-grabbing scheme is another group that might turn down a new game that happens to bear the King's Quest name and superficial graphical and story elements.
  • edited February 2011
    TSL is a fan biased game, I don't think its intended to be set in stone (so to say) to be apart of the KQ series, But more of a ending for those who never got a ending of other parts of the game, Yeah King Graham and Valanice are happy together and his children both are married and live happily ever after, But what about the those villains, what brought that family together? There are some questions that remain open. TSL is filling that. Yeah its different, But wasn't KQ7 and KQ8, they both went way out in left field, and you got those who love the games and others who don't. I had not even known KQ8 was part of KQ at all. It is different. Either way they ARE apart of KQ series.
    TSL is doing great work on their part as a fan biased game, everything in the game has meaning, and tell some part of a characters life in the game. TSL may not be for everyone, But id still recommend waiting it out. They are only on Episode 3, Who knows where it will go from there.
  • edited February 2011
    "Will Telltale count "The Silver Lining" as part of the continuity?"

    No. Because The Silver Lining is a fan made game, not an official King's Quest game.
  • edited February 2011
    Marquillin wrote: »
    There are wild cards here; the Lead designer of TSL used to work for TTG, and who knows the exact nature of what they've worked out with Activision, maybe there's more room for discourse here then usual. The best to hope, I figure, is if they agree not to tread on the others toes; say not tell a story about the Black Cloaks per say, or dramatically rewrite KQ Canon.
    Cesar worked for Activision too.
  • edited February 2011
    TSL is cool. The 3rd episode came out a few days ago, and is way longer than the previous 2 combined. As far as TellTale and the reboot, I'm curious to see what they do. I don't think it has to follow TSL's plot (I'm not opposed, but any new KQ is good for me). Kind of like the original Batman with Micheal Keaton vs. The new one. Both good in their own ways. But I would highly suggest anyone who has only played first 2 episodes of TSL try the 3rd. Very full.

    Can anyone tell me anything more about the reboot?
  • edited February 2011
    I don't see why TTG should take ANY of the fangames into account. And as I've understood this is more of a reboot, they can do their own thing.
  • edited February 2011
    Cez wrote: »
    sorry, I hadn't posted here since my days at Telltale. I didn't notice all that until I actually made the post.

    You worked for TellTale? I'm really surprised by this. I thought TSL was all you were involved with.
  • edited February 2011
    coasternd wrote: »
    You worked for TellTale? I'm really surprised by this. I thought TSL was all you were involved with.

    I have no idea what role he had, but I know I saw his name in the credits for ToMI.
  • edited February 2011
    I agree with you guys. TSL is a great game, especially for a fan-made project, but has its own atmosphere created by the minds of Cez, Katie and their team. Aside from perhaps a reference to the game in the form of an Easter Egg or something, it would IMO also be the best for Telltale to follow their own ideas. Though I wouldn't mind creative consulting from Sierra alumni who were involved with the KQ series.
  • edited February 2011
    I believe Cesar was an Assistant Producer.
  • edited February 2011
    I believe Cesar was an Assistant Producer.
    Yup. He also worked on the manual.
  • CezCez
    edited March 2011
    working on the manual was actually really fun. I ended up hating Nintendo's system for it, but it was fun after all.
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