King's Quest NEEDS to have deaths.



  • edited March 2011
    I'd like the deaths to be puzzle specific more than random "oh there he falls over the cliff again". I think for an example the deaths in KQ 3, when making the spells is pretty good way to implement them.
  • edited March 2011
    Telltale's 3D engine and its control scheme don't seem fit for requiring precise movement. Click-and-drag along a narrow ledge? Maybe it could be made to work, dunno. But otherwise, definitely, yes, there should be deaths.
  • edited March 2011
    I really insist of having deaths! I am not a masochist but I really believe that it will keep the nostalgy of the original games intact and also give people something to smirk and "curse" about :D
  • edited March 2011
    Incidentally, there is an earlier thread on this topic:

    King's Quest NEEDS to have deaths.
  • edited March 2011
    doggans wrote: »
    I don't fault Josh Mandel, who gives the best performance in the game. But it's still hilarious how he'll be humble and resist taking the very useful tools from the shoemakers until they insist, and yet he DEMANDS a marionette from a gnome. :P

    It is rather funny. I played KQ5 again years ago and am surprised that he comes off as a dick in some instances like asking for the marionette or trading the sled- when I was younger, I seen KQ5 Graham as a kind person.
  • edited March 2011
    I wonder if Telltale would give the option, of making "deaths" and "dead-ends" optional? Gear the settings towards different types of players?
  • edited March 2011
    Valiento wrote: »
    I wonder if Telltale would give the option, of making "deaths" and "dead-ends" optional? Gear the settings towards different types of players?

    Telltale isn't really big on options like that -- looking at their existing games, the under-use of their own built-in hint system as a way to make hints optional, and the time constraints involved with episodic releases. I can almost guarantee you that the game won't have dead-ends, but I'd guess there's a pretty good chance they could include deaths, probably with some mechanism to immediately retry. Like it or not, I just don't think it's fair to expect Telltale to defy the commercial realities of today's video-game market in this regard.
  • edited March 2011
    Well, don't forget the old Sierra addage as quoted by Al Lowe, Scott Murphy, and the rest, and usually in the manual for any Sierra game: "Save Early, Save Often!"
  • edited March 2011
    Imo, if there's one thing this game MUST have, it's humorous, witty and/or sarcastic death messages ala KQ5, KQ6 and KQ7.
  • edited March 2011
    You really just make threads about the first thing that comes to your mind don't you? This has already been covered in another thread with a very similar name.
  • edited March 2011
    The only two Sierra adventure games I remember playing with no deaths were Leisure Suit Larry 5 & 7 (which is funny cause in LSL 2 you can die on practically every screen). Was dying annoying? Sometimes. But it made the game alot more challenging. Couldn't you die in Maniac Mansion as well? I thought your character would show a tombstone if you clicked on them if they were dead .
  • edited March 2011
    techie775 wrote: »
    Couldn't you die in Maniac Mansion as well?
    You could, and it was probably the best death system in a game, honestly. You could continue playing after one character's death, and I think it was a lot more fair and a lot more in keeping with the genre they were going for(the teenagers in most horror films being offed one by one). I think it was the best example of offering genuine challenge through a death system. All the same, LucasArts as a company turned away from that as a game design philosophy, and their resulting audience has come to heavily under-appreciate Maniac Mansion for it's wildly disparate visual and narrative style and, of course, the deaths and dead ends that were possible due to game being designed so that every logical combination would work.
  • edited March 2011
    Telltale did use death scenes in The Tomb of Sammun-mak, and it actually reminded me of the old Sierra style of gameplay. I guess they were experimenting with the concept of death scenes.

    They could do something similar for King's Quest , and have you start from the moment before you made your mistake(after being mocked by the narrator of course).
  • edited March 2011
    I have to say, I hope there is a narrator, because the mocking would be substantially less enjoyable if it were the player character doing it.
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