help for amateur translation

edited March 2011 in Back to the Future
Hello guys,
I'm trying to translate the second episode of BTTF in my mother language: Italian :D
There is a sentence that I really can't understand, when the young Emmet is talking with Marty:

"Michael! Use-way the arness-hay!"

Is there anyone who can explaine me the meaning of this expression?



  • edited March 2011
    Sabs wrote: »
    Hello guys,
    I'm trying to translate the second episode of BTTF in my mother language: Italian :D
    There is a sentence that I really can't understand, when the young Emmet is talking with Marty:

    "Michael! Use-way the arness-hay!"

    Is there anyone who can explaine me the meaning of this expression?


    He is using Pig Latin to get the message across. He means 'Use the harness'.
  • edited March 2011
    its a childrens game pig-latin...
    its literally means Use the Harness.
  • edited March 2011
    Sabs wrote: »
    Hello guys,
    I'm trying to translate the second episode of BTTF in my mother language: Italian :D
    There is a sentence that I really can't understand, when the young Emmet is talking with Marty:

    "Michael! Use-way the arness-hay!"

    Is there anyone who can explaine me the meaning of this expression?

    Grande, viva le traduzioni amatoriali! YAY :cool:
    Gli altri hanno già risposto correttamente quindi, nell'adattamento, io ti vorrei consigliare di usare il farfallino invece del Pig Latin. Ora, non so esattamente il contesto della frase perchè non ho ancora giocato al secondo episodio quindi la mia traduzione di harness potrebbe essere sbagliata ma immagino ci sia un cavallo di mezzo lol la frase perciò uscirebbe "Michael! Ufusafa lefe brifiglifiefe!" (ovvero: "Michael! Usa le briglie!")

    [EDIT] uhhh! Ho appena notato che sei la Sabs di bttfinitaliano, felice di incontrare un'altra pulzella italiana fan di Ritorno al Futuro, siamo in poche purtroppo! XD
  • edited March 2011
    Thank you to everybody for your help!
    Finally the sentence makes sense for me...

    @ Qualcosa: Piacere mio, sì sono proprio quella Sabs e siamo al lavoro per la traduzione del secondo episodio di BTTF. Siamo poche fan ma buone ;)
    A presto!
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