I Can See You!

edited March 2007 in Sam & Max
Hey, I just purchased the entire season the other day, and finished episode 4 last night. Awesome game, I must say. I've already played the first 3 at a friends house, I figured to make up for it... I'd buy the entire season and the sketchbook.

But... I want a wallpaper of the "I Can See You" poster during the pre-War Room sequence... or even better, a high-resolution image I could use to print a 2" x 3" poster of. ~grin~

Okay, so maybe I should ask nicely. Please?


  • edited March 2007
    Yeah, that would be realy cool. I would like that as well.
  • edited March 2007
    I've worked up a little something you might like. I'll have it uploaded here shortly.
    (I'll edit this post when I have a link.)

    Now, I'm not a graphic designer by any means (obviously), so you'll probably want to take one of these and do something artistic with it. I simply took a screengrab from the cutscene and stretched the edges out so the poster was squared up, then pasted over the Secret Service agents and realigned the borders a bit.
    I've left them at 1600x1200 so you can scale it back down to whatever resolution you prefer.

    icanseeyoubrickdl2.th.jpg icanseeyouhs2.th.jpg
    (When you get to the image page after clicking either of the thumbnails, be sure to click the image once to show it full-size before saving it.)
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