Max's voice actor episode 4

edited June 2007 in Sam & Max

can somebody tell me who does max's voice in episode 4, is it the same guy as 2 and 3, not that i don't like the voice or anything, i'm just curious to know :)



  • edited March 2007
    Yep, same guy.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    Though there was a Max roulette for a while there, we've been using the same guy since episode 2, and we plan to keep working with him as long as possible!
  • edited March 2007
    A Wally Pipp moment.
  • BasBas
    edited March 2007
    Wasn't the guy who did Max in episode 1 supposed to come back in episode 4 or 5 or something?
  • edited March 2007
    I think he's suppose to come back if he recovers from his surgery well enough if i'm not mistaken, which i probably am, lol. Thanks for the info guys :)
  • edited March 2007
    No offense to the original telltale Max's voice, but I prefer the newer voice actor since it is as close as we can get to Hit the Road. I am not flatuated with everything HTR, but I like the protrayal of max being sarcastic, preverted, and cynidical than the one protrayed in the show and ep 1 where he is more like a happy child obsessed with things such as cheese.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    Bas wrote: »
    Wasn't the guy who did Max in episode 1 supposed to come back in episode 4 or 5 or something?

    Fans tried to fill in the gaps as to what we'd be doing with voice actors - we never made any announcements in any direction on that. Really it's because that whole time was pretty convoluted and we didn't know what the outcome would be. So, we decided to play it by ear (pardon the accidental horrible pun), and after going through a few episodes with William Casten we got in a groove and just kept going. We all like Andrew and wish him the best (and will obviously pound his door down the next time we need Phoney Bone) but we're pretty happy where we're at with Max right now.
  • edited March 2007
    i dunno, they all sound great to me, it doesn't really matter which voice they use, although i must say i prefer the hit the road voice just cause it's the original ;) Sam's new voice actor is the next best thing but the original again, is my favorite.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    doom saber wrote: »
    I am not flatuated with everything HTR

    You probably meant infatuated. ;)
  • edited March 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    You probably meant infatuated. ;)

    Yup. I blame it on my insommina since it took me a good 20 seconds or more to remember that word. I remembered it wrong. LOL
  • edited March 2007
    I liked Andrew Chaikin in the pilot, but I find Kasten is simply better suited to Max. I'm glad to hear that Andrew is on the road to recovery and that he'll be brought back for Bone 3, because he really has Phoney nailed. Phoney and Ted the Bug were my favorite voices in those games. He also played a couple of the suspects in CSI as I recall, so in my mind if Telltale is the video game equivalent of a TV studio, he's one of their leading stars!

    While I would hardly call someone getting severely ill a "blessing in disguise" I think the voice situation turned out really well in end.
  • edited March 2007
    doom saber wrote: »
    Yup. I blame it on my insommina since it took me a good 20 seconds or more to remember that word. I remembered it wrong. LOL
    Holy cow, that should SO be a real word. I'm using it from now on.

    You could even say I'm flatuated with it.
  • edited March 2007
    i was listening to the original game. to check out the voice acting in the game and you know. max needs to be played by a native new york italian..

    and the voice actor for sam would be so much more kick ass if he could learn to project his voice louder when he does scenes. cause his volume levels comparatively to the music and to max, are so low, sometimes his volume gets drowned out by the music.
  • edited March 2007
    Chuck wrote: »
    Holy cow, that should SO be a real word. I'm using it from now on.

    You could even say I'm flatuated with it.

    You mean you fart in its general direction? (Apologies for quoting Monty Python and the Holy Grail there :D)

    Anywho I like the new voice actors, They seem very similar to the old voice actors, but that's because it's been a while since I've played HTR (Gave it to a friend after finding the sound wasn't working on my PC. Silly me, should have downloaded a DOS emulator :3)
  • edited March 2007
    ChazFox wrote: »
    You mean you fart in its general direction? (Apologies for quoting Monty Python and the Holy Grail there :D)

    Anywho I like the new voice actors, They seem very similar to the old voice actors, but that's because it's been a while since I've played HTR (Gave it to a friend after finding the sound wasn't working on my PC. Silly me, should have downloaded a DOS emulator :3)

    Yeah, l think we should have the word "flatuated" be the definition of farting in the direction of one's face or a slang term for fart or taking a dump.

    "I will pass on the bean salad. The last time I ate that stuff, I accidently flatuated on Todd."

    "I ate so much on ThanksGiving that I flatuated on the toliet for 15 minutes!"
  • edited March 2007
    Are there any plans to re-record Max's voice for episode 1? Perhaps for the boxed release?
  • edited March 2007
    I liked his voice in episode 1 :-) he sounds like a coffee achiever. In fact, I love everything about the first episode. In my eyes, it's the episode with the most replay value.
  • edited March 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Fans tried to fill in the gaps as to what we'd be doing with voice actors - we never made any announcements in any direction on that. Really it's because that whole time was pretty convoluted and we didn't know what the outcome would be. So, we decided to play it by ear (pardon the accidental horrible pun), and after going through a few episodes with William Casten we got in a groove and just kept going. We all like Andrew and wish him the best (and will obviously pound his door down the next time we need Phoney Bone) but we're pretty happy where we're at with Max right now.

    Yeah I wish Andrew all the best but Casten is doing a tremendous job at the moment. I'm glad to hear he's staying.
  • edited March 2007
    Quoth wrote: »
    Are there any plans to re-record Max's voice for episode 1? Perhaps for the boxed release?

    Noo! He is doing his lines in a great way! Casten is also doing a really good job with max but please keep Adrews voice in the first episode :)
  • edited March 2007
    As stated before, I prefer Casten's voice since he has this more irritated sound to him like the Lucas Arts version.

    Andrew's protrayal of Max didn't sound psychotic or pissed. To me, it was if Max took a airfull of the "happy leaf" or ate too much sugar. It seems that this version of Max would be busy collecting cheese and jumping up and down the office to kick someone's ass ; in other words, the voice in ep 1 is a dead ringer to Max in the Sam and Max animated shows while Casten is similar to the one in Hit the Road.
  • edited June 2007
    I could never get use to any of the new voices. There is something that never works when an actor is trying to imitate someone, as opposed to creating the voice. I found it really irritating.
  • edited June 2007
    It would have been a neat touch to bring back Andrew for one of the Max clones in Episode 6.
  • edited June 2007
    Aw, great. Now you've got me thinking about how cool it would have been for Andrew, Nick Jameson, and Robert Tinkler to each voice
    one of Max's vices in Episode 6
    . Thanks a lot, Luigi...
  • edited June 2007
    I didn't notice the change in Max's voice 'twixt episodes 1 and 2, although going back and playing Episode 1 again after finishing the series, it's more obvious. I prefer the second actor for Max. Regarding faithfulness towards HTR: although Sam's voice is quite a bit different in Season 1, I actually like it more. It's less like a parody of a character in a crime drama than the HTR version, but better at the satire and eloquently worded jokes.
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