KQ on a console?

edited March 2011 in Kings Quest Game
I just had a disturbing thought.

Telltale is most likely going to build this game with a control scheme in mind that can easily port to play on consoles. King's Quest. With an XBox contoller...

I have never played an adventure game on a console. To this day I still prefer 'Point & Click' or 'Click & Drag' even over using WASD keys on my keyboard for adventure games (I suspect Escape from Monkey Island is to blame for that).

Okay, sure. Back in the parser days, we did (only) have direct control over the character in KQ games, but designing a King's Quest game specifically so that it can played with a console controller instead of a mouse just sounds so many shades of wrong to me.

I'm not saying that it will only use direct control for the PC version. I know better than that. I'm just not sure I'm personally prepared for a 3D model of Graham which I can control with a thumb stick on my TV set.

What do you guys think?


  • edited March 2011
    That reminds of the horrible time i had playing starcraft on the, i think, nintendo 64. some games just dont seem to work well with a control stick, although thats a rather poor example considering all the hotkeys and what not.:(
  • edited March 2011
    KQ1 and KQ5 came out on consoles besides PC...
    Just saying.
  • edited March 2011
    best trip i ever had to the pawnshop involved looking for a cheap acoustic guitar and discovering a copy of kq5 for the nes, which at the time i didnt even know existed for it
  • edited March 2011
    I felt console controls worked well for Sam & Max games. I honestly don't mind if it is controlled with a thumb stick or the mouse, as long as it controls well.
  • edited March 2011
    To be honest, the first time I played KQ 5 was on the NES. Obviously the PC version is much better, but at the time I was desperate to play it and thats all I had.

    I think it can be done, it may seem awkward to those of us used to a mouse but it will still appeal to some people.
  • edited March 2011
    Yeah actually an adventure game I am still really fond of to this day is on the NES called NIGHTSHADE.
  • edited March 2011
    Irishmile wrote: »
    Yeah actually an adventure game I am still really fond of to this day is on the NES called NIGHTSHADE.

    I used to freak over that game. Always wished they'd make a pt 2.
  • edited March 2011
    it seems that the game does not pause while you are using the menu. Some scenes must have been really difficult like that.
  • edited March 2011
    Odds are from now on just about all of Telltale's games will be on consoles. The only recent exceptions have been Puzzle Agent (which shouldn't really count since it was supposed to be released on WiiWare) and Poker Night at the Inventory (which used TF2 items as a big selling point).

    I'd be surprised if King's Quest wasn't on a console, to be honest.
  • edited March 2011
    I really, really hope it comes out on iPad!
  • edited March 2011
    If it is I will buy ot on multiple platforms just like I did for monkey island
  • edited March 2011
    Oh, me too. I love the iPad these days, but I get games for both it and my desktop PC. (No consoles, however.)
  • edited March 2011
    Puzzle agent did make t on IPhone though.
  • edited March 2011
    BTW.. I have grown to enjoy the ToMI/S&M s3 controls.... I plug in a controller on my PC to play its pretty nice.
  • edited March 2011
    Yeah, the ToMI/Devil's Playhouse controls were pretty good, and they were designed to adapt easily to consoles. I suspect something similar will be used in King's Quest.

    IF Telltale hasn't decided to abandon the ability to walk altogether. :eek:
  • edited March 2011
    I actually prefer the more recent TT games on consoles because I dislike the "click and drag" means of controlling the character. Adventure games can work on consoles. I spent countless hours playing the Discworld games on Playstation.
  • edited March 2011
    They also work great with a gamepad on the PC.
  • edited March 2011
    there are discworld games on the playstation? thats good to know, im gonna have to look it up
  • edited March 2011
    WASD works just fine too.
  • edited March 2011
    Or the arrow-keys.
    Irishmile wrote: »
    They also work great with a gamepad on the PC.

    Not everyone has one. I do but I only use it for platformers or Sega Mega Drive games.
  • edited March 2011
    Bagriin wrote: »
    there are discworld games on the playstation? thats good to know, im gonna have to look it up

    They're the same ones as on the PC.
  • edited March 2011
    WASD works just fine too.

    Yes they do... using a gamepad is a personal preference mainly because I like to sit back with my feet up and relax as I play.... yep even on the PC.
  • edited March 2011
    Yeah. I only say it because everyone seems to be of the impression that click&drag is the primary control scheme while WASD was an additional afterthought when actually the reverse is true. When TMI Chapter 1 first came out there wasn't any click&drag at all. Just WASD. It wasn't until after people complained about not having a single-hand control scheme that Telltale added click&drag as the alternative.
  • edited March 2011
    Yeah. I only say it because everyone seems to be of the impression that click&drag is the primary control scheme while WASD was an additional afterthought when actually the reverse is true. When TMI Chapter 1 first came out there wasn't any click&drag at all. Just WASD. It wasn't until after people complained about not having a single-hand control scheme that Telltale added click&drag as the alternative.
    I remember it slightly differently: it was Wallace and Gromit that had only WASD controls, and the outcry over them resulted in the creation of click&drag, debuting in TMI Chapter 1.
  • edited March 2011
    TMI Chapter 1 first came out there wasn't any click&drag at all. Just WASD. It wasn't until after people complained about not having a single-hand control scheme that Telltale added click&drag as the alternative.

    I don't believe that's true. I distinctly remember playing through TOMI1 using click and drag and it was a review copy, so it couldn't have been an updated version of any sort.
  • edited March 2011
    Yeah ToMI ep 1 definitely had the CnD
  • edited March 2011
    Maybe the outcry came just before Episode 1 then? When it was first announced that TMI would have directional controls? Either way they added C&D at the last minute. It definitely wasn't planned prior.

    Ah yes...I recall the epic "controls" thread in the TMI forum now...
  • edited March 2011
    It won't have been planned at the start of ToMI development as that started before Wallace & Gromit first came out and it was the reaction to the control system that caused the development team for ToMI to look at possible alternative control methods. That is my recollection, anyway.
  • edited March 2011
    Maybe the outcry came just before Episode 1 then? When it was first announced that TMI would have directional controls? Either way they added C&D at the last minute. It definitely wasn't planned prior.

    Ah yes...I recall the epic "controls" thread in the TMI forum now...

    I think this is likely I do recall the "will it be point and click or WASD like W&G?" threads... and then the confimation that it would not be point and click... its possible that the click and drag was made to appease the unpleased pointers and clickers...
  • edited March 2011
    I'd say that's definitely the reason.
  • edited March 2011
    But I also recall me being taller and much better looking... so maybe we are both wrong :p
  • edited March 2011
    Irishmile wrote: »
    its possible that the click and drag was made to appease the unpleased pointers and clickers...

    Thank God for that then.

    Seriously. Being forced into playing a modern (ie. non-parser) adventure game using WASD or a controller instead of a mouse just irks me.
  • edited March 2011
    I don't mind the arrow controls at all. In fact it's a lot less irritating that P&C. C&D is just miserably frustrating, though.
  • edited March 2011
    Yep I prefer direct control or "driving" the character as well... there was a time when I didn't believe I would ever say that...

    But I prefer a gamepad... If the buttons are mapped out well it can be much more rewarding.
  • edited March 2011
    I don't like the "driving the character" style, but rather the "compass direction" style. Where left is the player's perspective and not the character's perspective.
  • edited March 2011
    Me too.
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