OK so Sam is busy running the country but surely somebody in the White House could spare some time to put something on his website? After taking the time to register it can we expect to see something on it?
Regards Richard
Check the credits for the URL
Hi, Richard.
Regards Tale
That's what the BBC did with Doctor Who, so I reckon it'll be something similar.
Good point it just goes to prove we don't fully understand the American system. For some reason over here the BBC follow all the different stages of the presidential election in detail. Oddly all the people I know don't care, sure we want to know who wins but like most countries in the world we would soon get to know that.
For me it's interesting to contrast the coverage of say the French or German elections which don't rate a special program yet the BBC will run some election special. IMO a waste of good money.
Now if they could really get Max to stand... I'd love to know how may votes he got.
Do you get silly candidates standing in the real election? - oh yes of of course you do one or tow have even managed to win!
Nothing is likely to top the California gubernatorial recall election in 2003, with well over a hundred candidates. People really came crawling out of the woodwork on that one. And the winner was... well, not that unusual for California, actually.
That was a unique year for election. We had Gary coleman, Larry Flynt, Mary Carey, etc...
The latter had the most hilarious promises imo such as taxing breast implants and wiring the govneror's mansion with a live cam. LOL
That's a disturbing animation you have going on there.:p