The McFly, Tannen, & Parker Families

First, let me just say this game is excellent! I've been wondering some things about some of the families:

1.) Who might Griff's parent be? Biff's daughter, Tiff Tannen or Biff Jr.? Biff Jr. was Biff's son in an early draft of BTTF Part II and the cartoon (Which probably isn't canon.). From what I've read on Futurepedia, Biff Jr. is about 15 years older than Griff, which would make him a teen parent and that makes sense for a Tannen.

2.) Is Biff illegitimate? From what Doc said, I'm just assuming that after his mother had him she either died or dumped him on Gertrude Tannen's doorstep.

3.) Assuming that Gertrude Tannen is Buford Tannen's daughter-in-law, do you think we'll ever meet or learn anything about Buford's son/Kid's father? I wonder if he bullied William McFly? And what about a teen or adult William? I wonder if his personality was like Marty's or if he was a wimp like Artie, George, and Marty Jr.? It seems like Marty is the only McFly without a Tannen bully.

4.) In the cartoon episode "A Friend In Deed," Jennifer's grandfather Parker is alive in 1992, owns a ranch, and is called "Pete" (As in "Peter Parker!") by the sheriff. Get Tannen contradicts this.


  • edited March 2011
    In regards to number four, The game and cartoon are not canon. The only thing that should be taken as fact in the BttF universe is what is presented in the trilogys.
  • edited March 2011
    I'm sorry but the game is supposed to be canon. They've made that pretty clear. Not saying future game makers will acknowledge it though. But this is basically BttF 4. We're not going to get another movie, unless it's a remake.

    That said, I don't think we're going to get a whole lot of insight to those questions, we may end up seeing Griff's dad, but I only think that because Griff has been mentioned in the game. Kid Tannen is the only new Tannen I think we're going to get. (could be wrong)
  • edited March 2011
    zounds! wrote: »
    I'm sorry but the game is supposed to be canon. They've made that pretty clear. Not saying future game makers will acknowledge it though. But this is basically BttF 4. We're not going to get another movie, unless it's a remake.

    That said, I don't think we're going to get a whole lot of insight to those questions, we may end up seeing Griff's dad, but I only think that because Griff has been mentioned in the game. Kid Tannen is the only new Tannen I think we're going to get. (could be wrong)

    Yes, this is practically BttF Part 4
  • I'm sure I read that Arthur McFly was georges father prior to this game, I believe it was in the novelitization.

    Seems to me that while the game only stays true to the initial trilogy, they are attempting to keep continuity with the animated series where possible.

    To those who have seen the animated series, has it been contradicted yet?
    I do recall that it takes place in 1991 and the delorean is a brand new one doc built which travels across space and time. But is it explained what happens between 1985 and 1991? Can it still exist in the same universe as the video game or is it impossible for these 1986 events to have occured in the shows universe.
  • edited March 2011
    To those who have seen the animated series, has it been contradicted yet?
    I do recall that it takes place in 1991 and the delorean is a brand new one doc built which travels across space and time. But is it explained what happens between 1985 and 1991? Can it still exist in the same universe as the video game or is it impossible for these 1986 events to have occured in the shows universe.

    I haven't seen all the episodes of the animated series, but in "A Friend In Deed," Jennifer's grandfather Parker is alive in 1992, owns a ranch, and is called "Pete" (As in "Peter Parker!") by the sheriff. However, in Get Tannen, Jennifer's grandfather Parker is a Hill Valley police officer in 1931 named Danny Parker who's hinted at being deceased by 1986.
  • edited March 2011
    I still stand by my belief that Needles is Biff's son. So what if the last name is different?? There's a million reasons why that could happen.

    Look at the facts:

    1) He's a bully

    2) He has a gang of young toughs that he travels with

    3) He has it in for a McFly

    Sounds like the DNA of a Tannen to me...
  • edited March 2011
    MantaScorp wrote: »
    I still stand by my belief that Needles is Biff's son. So what if the last name is different?? There's a million reasons why that could happen.

    Look at the facts:

    1) He's a bully

    2) He has a gang of young toughs that he travels with

    3) He has it in for a McFly

    Sounds like the DNA of a Tannen to me...

    Needles has an ancestor living in 1931.
  • Needles can't be griffs father, his children are listed in part II.
  • edited March 2011
    To those who have seen the animated series, has it been contradicted yet?
    I do recall that it takes place in 1991 and the delorean is a brand new one doc built which travels across space and time. But is it explained what happens between 1985 and 1991? Can it still exist in the same universe as the video game or is it impossible for these 1986 events to have occured in the shows universe.
    The game kinda contradicts the animated series, as Jules and Verne are still kids, while in-game, Doc mentions they're already teenagers.

    Also, Bob Gale, despite his involvement in the game, has been quoted as saying that only the movies are canon. The game is a what-if, just like the cartoon, but it has the blessing and input of Gale so it seems more legitimate.
  • edited March 2011
    More like Biffany Tannen. Add that as an option.
  • edited March 2011
    Needles can't be griffs father, his children are listed in part II.

    He doesn't have children. Maybe their was a scene...that was cut out? wtf.
  • edited March 2011
    He doesn't have children. Maybe their was a scene...that was cut out? wtf.
    actually, he has. in the second movie, while future marty is talking with needles via skype. ;)
    skype adds persoal information about needles like name, address etc. while they are talking.
  • edited March 2011
    LOL! They aren't using Skype. In fact their is no mention of the internet.
  • edited March 2011
    LOL! They aren't using Skype. In fact their is no mention of the internet.

    i know, i was kidding. :) - but the stuff with adding/displaying personal information while talking is true.
  • He doesn't have children. Maybe their was a scene...that was cut out? wtf.

    It specifically says on the screen when Marty is speaking to needles he has two children and shows their names.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited March 2011
    To those who have seen the animated series, has it been contradicted yet?
    I do recall that it takes place in 1991 and the delorean is a brand new one doc built which travels across space and time. But is it explained what happens between 1985 and 1991? Can it still exist in the same universe as the video game or is it impossible for these 1986 events to have occured in the shows universe.
    The game kinda contradicts the animated series, as Jules and Verne are still kids, while in-game, Doc mentions they're already teenagers.

    Also, Bob Gale, despite his involvement in the game, has been quoted as saying that only the movies are canon. The game is a what-if, just like the cartoon, but it has the blessing and input of Gale so it seems more legitimate.
    The game doesn't necessarily contradict the animated series. At the end of Part III Doc is shown using the time traveling train to take his family to another time period when his sons are still children. So, he's been traveling around time for about 10 years with his family by the time he meets Marty in 1986. There's no reason why Doc couldn't have taken his family at any time during those 10 years to meet Marty in 1991 when his children are still kids.
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