which character would you like to see further developed?

Omitting doc, marty, and the characters we see 3 different time periods of (George, Lorraine, and Biff)

Which characters that we have seen or know of would you like to see further developed as in a different part of their lives (probably in part 5 as parts 3 and 4 will likely mostly be 1931 and 1986). I'm also omitting Kid tannen as we've already seen quite a bit of him in this game

Also I will go on a limb and assume at this point that any ancestors or decendants we see will be on the male bloodline of Marty and Biff as that has been the pattern with the games and films so far aside from showing Lorraines family in part 1.


  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited March 2011
    I'd most like to see Jennifer get more character development, since it's a shame that she was regulated to a background character in the movies. But out of that list, I'd most like to see Griff developed more because he was just a future clone of teenage Biff. I'd also love to see how Doc stopped him from using the time machine in 2025. :)
  • Jennifer wrote: »
    I'd most like to see Jennifer get more character development, since it's a shame that she was regulated to a background character in the movies. But out of that list, I'd most like to see Griff developed more because he was just a future clone of teenage Biff. I'd also love to see how Doc stopped him from using the time machine in 2015. :)

    I couldnt agree more. From what we see, Griff is nothing but 1955 biff with futuristic technology. Let's see what he can do with the character. And yes obviously he does become a nusance in 2025 after getting out of jail.
  • edited March 2011
    They should do a TV mini-series about Jennifer during her pregnancy years, and Marty's attempts to go back in time to get her pregnant at different times in case he doesn't like his guys. (we're looking at you Marty McFly Jr!!!)
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