protection system

edited March 2007 in Sam & Max
I just wanted to give you guys kudoz on the copy protection. On most similar key based activation systems I have had one kind of problem or another. But with this one, I have re-installed all the episodes many times and re-installed them both in Windows XP 32-bit and then installing and re-installing the episodes in Windows XP x64. I still haven't had any problems what so ever. I will remove a tv card and perhaps a soundcard. I hope I won't have any problems then either, but I doubt I will :)

Oh yeah. You're great, Jake. Always so nice and polite.


  • edited March 2007
    I have to agree,

    With me, I usually follow the least traveled route (download the demo and activate it manually, for various reasons). I've never had any trouble with activation.

    Probably somewhat off topic, but I have to congratulate Telltale on their support and 'after market service'. I've had a few slight niggles with one of my purchases (nothing serious, luckily) and Emily and Doug was always quick to respond and to keep me in the loop. This type of service, for me, goes even a longer way than just the quality of their products. It is good to know that the company DOES care for its customers!
  • edited March 2007
    Emily, Doug, Kevin and all the other at TTG are just amazing.

    And the activation works well for me :)
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    Thanks guys. :)
  • edited March 2007
    I usually hate copy protection and activation systems, but you barely even notice this one. The one time I had a problem it was my firewall's fault. It wouldn't let the game access the internet to retrive the kay and the whole thing when CRASH. Stupid Norton Firewall.

    I also adore Telltale for allowing us to install on more than one PC. That is a lot more than you get with most companies. I have all the episodes installed on my PC and laptop. Nothing like Sam & Max while you're on the go :D
  • edited March 2007
    Myself I'm not a huge fan of the fact that the people who copy Sam and Max without paying Telltale get a more functional copy than I do, plus I expect to be able to install a piece of software I bought anywhere I want, so I'll never sing the praises of any DRM system, but I'll still have to admit that my problems with the Sam and Max copy protection are entirely philosophical rather than practical at this point.
  • edited March 2007
    I expect to be able to install a piece of software I bought anywhere I want

    Me too, that why I'm getting the CD (and hopefuly DRM free) version when the whole season is out. Hey, I only have to pay the price of shipping and I don't see how Telltale could be more reasonable than that. I see DRM as a necessary evil.
  • edited March 2007
    Myself I'm not a huge fan of the fact that the people who copy Sam and Max without paying Telltale get a more functional copy than I do, plus I expect to be able to install a piece of software I bought anywhere I want, so I'll never sing the praises of any DRM system, but I'll still have to admit that my problems with the Sam and Max copy protection are entirely philosophical rather than practical at this point.

    Rasher wrote: »
    Me too, that why I'm getting the CD (and hopefuly DRM free) version when the whole season is out. Hey, I only have to pay the price of shipping and I don't see how Telltale could be more reasonable than that. I see DRM as a necessary evil.

    same here. I don't really like DRM systems, but of all the DRM systems I have encountered this one is the one I had the least problems with :) Still I hope as Rasher that they will make the final cd/dvd released after the season drm free. Actually, "hope" is a weak word, because I have already decided that I won't buy the second season IF the cd/dvd they send out after the season is over, has some kind of online activation feature or drm. I don't mind a cd/dvd protection, as long as it's not starforce or some other kind of protection that causes problems for either my gaming experience or for my PC. I don't mind it because I can bring a cd/dvd many places and even if my internet breaks down I can play the game from the cd/dvd.

    Still, I agree with Rasher. DRM is as a necessary evil. But hopefully something they will remove when the time is right(which should be when the season is over and they send out cds/dvds).
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