The Official Un-Official Kings Quest Speculation thread

edited July 2012 in Kings Quest Game
Have a speculation? Share it with the community in this thread.


  • edited March 2011
    Speculation: it turns out the magic mirror is powered by midichlorians.
  • edited March 2011
    Well I speculate that telltale will reboot kings quest as a survival horror game that retains adventure elements - and before you all lynch me let me explain!

    The original kings quests were all early versions of survival horror, you ran away from things like a wolf, ogre, witches, enchanters. None of these things could you effectively fight, you simply had to run away before they caught and killed you - and sometimes eat you!

    So any reboot that is true to the series will have this element in it. That doesn't mean the tone of the game will always be gloomy; kings quest always had fantasical, whimisical and horror themed settings; think things like poisoned lake, evil tree forest - all admidst a seeming tranquil and picturesque setting.

    So telltale should expand upon this early mechanic; and make it relevant i.e. not running away one screen and the enemy is gone, like the early kings quests, but maybe having to actively hide in the environment.

    Imagine the witch swooping down and trying to catch graham who runs from her, but moving away she is still pursuing so graham must hide and wait until she has wandered away. That would be tense! In a sense this has already been done aka kings quest 5 with the bandits on horseback - to avoid notice graham hides behind some rocks or is killed.

    So I know what your thinking - this is not resident evil! Do not worry, telltale do not think so either, there will be no scenes of graham sword fighting an ogre! Graphically the game should keep its true fantasy setting, aka not disney or shrek. More like a story book with 3d characters on a 2d world.But for my 5 cents worth that is what I think telltale will do, hopefully I am right.
  • edited March 2011
    Big Ted wrote: »
    Imagine the witch swooping down and trying to catch graham who runs from her, but moving away she is still pursuing so graham must hide and wait until she has wandered away. That would be tense!

    Actually, it was already done exactly in the same place! Usually, the witch is just too quick for you to run away from, so if you wanted to survive, you needed to duck.
    Big Ted wrote: »
    In a sense this has already been done aka kings quest 5 with the bandits on horseback - to avoid notice graham hides behind some rocks or is killed.

    Never trust a bad guy, Graham. (Sorry, I had to.)

    But aside from that, I would indeed be glad to see the random encounters making a comeback. And it would be good if they would be able to appear in every forest screen that is not important to the plot, rather than two or three.
  • edited March 2011
    Well I can only hope they telltale make the kings quest games the same way as phoenix online made the silver lining instead of coming up with some new way
  • edited March 2011
    mwardie wrote: »
    Well I can only hope they telltale make the kings quest games the same way as phoenix online made the silver lining instead of coming up with some new way

    Minus the melodrama and retcons, and I'd be happy with that. ;)
  • edited April 2011
    King's Quest 6 was by far my favorite :)
  • edited April 2011
    KQ V was okay.
    KQ VI was great.
    KQ VII was awesome and most definitely my favorite of the four I played.
    KG VIII seemed much different from V, VI, and VII so I didn't spend much time on it.

    If Telltale remakes any of those (or all of the above), I will buy 5 copies of each one... for me and my family!

    I'll be so happy if I can get these updated and able to run on Windows 7.

  • edited April 2011
    If Telltale remakes any of those (or all of the above), I will buy 5 copies of each one... for me and my family!

    Telltale doesn't do remakes. This will be a new, original game with the KQ license.
  • edited June 2012
    Funny, and ironic, how most speculation actually exists outside of this thread! Despite the guideline stating that it should exist in this thread only!

    King's Quest Forum Guidelines (Please read before creating new threads)

    Second, remember that this game is still pretty far off at this point, and we know virtually nothing about it except that it's in development. Until some official word comes out, take everything you read on here about the upcoming game with a grain of salt, and try to stick to the speculation thread if you have something to say about this upcoming game. We're trying to shift speculation to one dedicated thread, as so many threads about what may or may not happen in a game we don't know anything about just serve to clutter up the board right now.
  • edited June 2012
    Baggins, man - seriously. Calm down. You are not this guy. I appreciate your passion for King's Quest, and all things King's Quest, but you are being obstinate and you are causing people to stop posting because of your erratic behavior. No one wants to argue with a sociopath.

  • edited June 2012
    I can honestly say I'm no sociopath...

    I don't know about you though ;). You get a bit curmudgeonly in many of your posts ;).
  • edited June 2012
    Curmudgeonly, yes. Sociopath? No. Come on, dude. I'm just worried about you. Don't be throwing a tantrum. Let's just talk about King's Quest.... don't get too worked up and go thread necromancing again.

  • edited June 2012
    Me thinks you are reading to much into my posts! :D
  • edited June 2012
    All right, Baggins. You did perform thread necromancy on like 15 threads just to make some lame point on a forum. You're at your best when you're talking King's Quest, not trying to antagonize someone. It's all I'm saying.

  • edited June 2012
    Nah, only about 6 total were brought back (KQ6 Hires related, and KQ8 related), so that they can be merged (into two separate threads). That's hardly '15', there you go again exaggerating things!:rolleyes:

    Anycase, let's just drop this... No reason to continue discussing it. Unless you want to? Do you agree?Z

    Speaking of speculation, when the hell are we supposed to get any details to actually speculate about?
  • edited July 2012
    Is this game still in the making?
  • edited July 2012
    My question is, has it even started?
  • edited July 2012
    Gawd, I'm starved for some King's Quest info! Will we have to wait till Walking Dead is finished, and then through Fables before Telltale announces anything?
  • edited July 2012
    I'm pretty sure they've started work on the game. Things like concept art and story ideas.
  • edited July 2012
    There are lots of rumors flying around.
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