Sam and max and phoenix Wright

edited March 2007 in Sam & Max
I was amazed nobody mentioned this when the sam and max first started and people were argueing about what games work eposodic (sorry spelt it wrong :D )

Nobody seemed to notice that Phoenix Wright is structured pretty much the same as the new sam and max game series with a series of seperate stories that all link up together. When analyzed Phoenix wright is very much a eposdic (i really cant spell lol) game.

Yet phoenix wright is very well received and of course the sam and max is also getting great postive feedback which it fully deserves. I guess it could be argued that Phoenix wright was released as one big game but soon sam and max will be the same when it's released on cd.


  • edited March 2007
    By that logic, Telltale's first CSI game is also an episodic game: a bunch of separate cases/story lines that sort of come together in the final case. Of course this does show that there are actually many games that are episodic, and that it's a tried and true concept. For instance, look at RPGs, in which you can jump in and just play one or two quests - quests that are still a part of an overarching story. The true innovation in Telltale's games is the business model - you actually release games to the player in bite-sized chunks, where the player can choose which ones to play and which ones not to, and also you establish a schedule for the player, which means you can hold his attention much longer than usual.
  • edited March 2007
    I had thought about the links between PW and Sam and Max too, but I decided to keep it in my head in case it was a silly idea ^^
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    Phoenix Wright and Sam & Max both re-use so many environments and characters! A rip-off!
  • edited March 2007
    Aside from the marketing differences, I totally agree that they have similar episodic features.
  • edited March 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Phoenix Wright and Sam & Max both re-use so many environments and characters! A rip-off!

    You crack me up little buddy.
  • edited March 2007
    Actually, the re-use of sprites in Phoenix Wright 2 was brought up as a somewhat valid complaint.

    Also, Phoenix Wright is apparently being released episodically for cell phones (although this time it's just the original game broken into chunks).
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