Gird your loins! (Neverhood News!)
Doug TenNapel has recently revealed that he wants to do a movie based on the classic adventure game, The Neverhood Chronicles!

I don't know about you guys, but this has just made a terrible day fantastic for me!

I don't know about you guys, but this has just made a terrible day fantastic for me!
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edit: PS Jake, thanks for the goon invite
ninja edit from THE FUTURE: Having actually worked with Doug on a film project since this post, I must say he is extremely nice and smart dude and takes good care of everyone around him. The blog is his angry place, and didn't belittle me for being mister liberal dude in-person.
That confused me for a second
I agree completely. I worship him for bringing us The Neverhood, but he comes off as a very "high and mighty, better than thou" religious type...
I hope this doesn't go the way of the Duke Nukem film... all the way up to announcing release dates and having ads in magazines, then the next thing you know.... boom, cancelled. The other bad part is, if the movie is in stop motion, (and it better be), we probably won't even see a teaser trailer until late '09 early '10.
EDIT: Also, they had better keep Uwe Boll far far away from this.
Don't forget Paul Anderson. He ruined Resident Evil and most likey Dead Or Alive(he didn't direct the film, but produced it) Speakin of DOA, it hasn't hit the US even though it is now on DVD in Europe. I seen it and it was meh.. "Hi tech sun glasses my ass!!' LOL
We'll have to nuke him from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.