Yea I clicked that. I see all that stuff like it says the games I've purchased and it shows Jurassic Park: The Game Pc/Mac etc but no Serial number underneath it.
Yea I clicked that. I see all that stuff like it says the games I've purchased and it shows Jurassic Park: The Game Pc/Mac etc but no Serial number underneath it.
which one there is two JP titles in the games tb the one on the top and the one on the bottom the one on the top shows the number right underneath it
Yea I clicked that. I see all that stuff like it says the games I've purchased and it shows Jurassic Park: The Game Pc/Mac etc but no Serial number underneath it.
Maybe the serial number hasn't fully circulated to all of those who purchased it yet. I didn't see one at first, but then it popped up. Just be patient, and if worse comes to worst, pm Alan or someone and bring the issue to their attention
your serial number isnt supposed to turn bold. its the title that turns bold, but that happens after you recieve your serial number. Heres the order:
1. Game is listed in your telltale games que.
2. Serial number appears .
3. Title of game is replaced with bold font.
4. Icon of video game appears on the left hand side of your list.
5. Download tab appears and game can finally be installed.
Lmfao. I still don't see it. It just shows when I bought it on Feb 27th. Nothing above it yet. Gunna have to wait a bit I guess. I'm guessing tomorrow is the day kids.
Words getting around. It is nearly time and what a wonderful time it will be.
Yeah, I was hoping since tomorrow is the last Tuesday of the month that it'd magically get released. My fingers will remain crossed til I load the game though.
You'll probably hear my screams of joy all the way over there.
the forums will be exploding when its released and then it;ll be quiet since we will all be playing JP then at night we will hug everyone and say how right we are about this game and tell those trolls :D:D
the forums will be exploding when its released and then it;ll be quiet since we will all be playing JP then at night we will hug everyone and say how right we are about this game and tell those trolls :D:D
Easy there, we don't need another flame war sparking like yesterday. Choose your words wisely
I'll get home about 4pm on Friday since I actually open on that day rather than close.
yea where it says Hello,shamuboy and it'll show a classic game controller thats the games tab
That helps too
If its like Bttf it'll be released 6 hours (US) until we get home
I just watch walking with the dinosaurs JP movies excite me WAAAAAY too much
do u see where it says telltale games on the top page go to the end of that tb and it'll be the second to last button
(Missed the point)
which one there is two JP titles in the games tb the one on the top and the one on the bottom the one on the top shows the number right underneath it
Maybe the serial number hasn't fully circulated to all of those who purchased it yet. I didn't see one at first, but then it popped up. Just be patient, and if worse comes to worst, pm Alan or someone and bring the issue to their attention
1. Game is listed in your telltale games que.
2. Serial number appears .
3. Title of game is replaced with bold font.
4. Icon of video game appears on the left hand side of your list.
5. Download tab appears and game can finally be installed.
You should really remove this image. A quick image enhance makes your serial number very readable.
Niether has mine we'll have to keep waiting
Mine hasn't either
More than likely
this is a very good sign my water is already shking from the impact tremors
I'm hoping they temporarily took the Pre-Order button down but it will be back up soon.I'm also hoping for a 7pm-ish release tomorrow.
Mind editing your post? The picture will be totally removed
Words getting around. It is nearly time and what a wonderful time it will be.
Can you really blame us for that?
when this game comes out and i have a really good feeling its coming out tomorrow ima virtualy hug evryone here XD
You'll probably hear my screams of joy all the way over there.
Yeah, I was hoping since tomorrow is the last Tuesday of the month that it'd magically get released. My fingers will remain crossed til I load the game though.
idk my gut changed into thinking into tomorrow even tho my brain is saying friday my body is in full motion and my heart is pounding
As for me ima let out a roar worthy of a T-Rex
Disaster averted! :cool:
the forums will be exploding when its released and then it;ll be quiet since we will all be playing JP then at night we will hug everyone and say how right we are about this game and tell those trolls
That works too. I think the fanbase as a whole will go crazy enough to bring the dinosaurs back to life
Easy there, we don't need another flame war sparking like yesterday. Choose your words wisely