Can't seem to download Back to the Future Episode 3

edited March 2011 in Site Support
I bought the whole series, and when I log into Telltale games and go to my games section, I have the list of the BTTF episodes. The first two have the option to select English or German next two the two buttons that allow you to download the game for either PC or Mac. But episode three only has the language box and no buttons. How can I download the game?


  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2011
    Hi Sllobb! Episode 3 hasn't been released yet. We know it's coming out sometime next week (the exact day is yet to be announced).

    Keep an eye on your games page, the blog, or your inbox (if you signed up for email updates). The Download buttons will appear on your games page when the episode is released.
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