Penny Arcade game
So you guys may have heard that the folks at Penny Arcade are making an episodic adventure/rpg hybrid game called Penny Arcade: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness. Another humor-focused episodic game based on the wacky antics of a pair of comic characters; maybe it'll start being churned out right after Sam and Max Season One finishes up. The trailer was released just recently:
Snarky part: I wonder how difficult the adventure parts of this game would be, considering how their fans view the difficulty of the Sam and Max episodes (Hint: Not the wild complaints about it being "too easy" that you may see elsewhere).
Snarky part: I wonder how difficult the adventure parts of this game would be, considering how their fans view the difficulty of the Sam and Max episodes (Hint: Not the wild complaints about it being "too easy" that you may see elsewhere).
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The switch from the 2D cutscene to the 3D gameplay was a little jarring, but it'll probably just take some getting used to (I don't want to come across as one of those "they'll be ruined in 3D!" people, what with Sam & Max being 3D and all...
I wonder how much of the game is story and how much is action?
EDIT: It's funny, reading the comments on Kotaku -- so many of them sound exactly like what people were saying about Sam & Max a year ago.
I noticed that as well
The PA game looks cool!
Ugh, ack, wtf. CAD is such me-too, awful shite. No offense, but you're apparently an awful shite-loving kind of dude.
Someone on the CAD forums is making an unofficial CAD game. I don't know if it's up to much, I haven't played it yet, but here's the topic anyway:
* surprised I still have that around!
I think part of my disappointment is how much I liked the 3D models from Cardboard Tube Showdown (whose site is now owned by squatters, unfortunately.).
I wonder if they deliberately put up this comic only a couple days before the teaser came out.
Having material hosted on PA webspace is kinda like a trophy. Score!
Anyway I figured it was a rough, early build. Cell shading would make the most sense. Usually, unless i'm getting a glimpse of an absolute technical achievement to come (scrambling for the 500meg HL2 footage from E3 2003), i'm not enthused about early game footage.
A PA game is as good as bought from me though
*select, backspace, enter*
Ooh, it's a blog! Fancy seeing one of those in the internet!
It's a little encouraging that the writer guy (I can't tell the PA guys apart, sorry) is so long-winded that it's unlikely to be just another platformer. It might actually have attempts at dialogue. Nothing against adventure games (of course), or platformers in general, but we really need to see something that breaks out of the formula.
No One Lives Forever seemed like it had potential to be a genuinely funny first-person shooter, but it didn't quite pay off as much as I wanted.
NOLF did kind of fail on the humor aspect. It obviously wanted to be Austin Powers very very badly.
The only truly funny FPSs I can think of are Blood and Serious Sam... (points for the most Smashing Pumpkins puns in a single game)
EDIT: Also, Shadow Warrior. Lo Wang's rap was one of the funniest things ever. me just a passerby with Penny Arcade, but since when have they had a detective agency, and not just been a web comic that parodies gaming?
(Sounds like a parody-cross-ripoff of any adventure game that uses a detective agency, like Sam and Max and the Tex Murphy series.)
I'm don't know for certain, but I doubt it'll be a detective agency ripoff. I suspect it'll be Lovecraftian in nature.
Since you haven't been a reader, you might not know it's not outside the nature of the comic to visit different genres from time to time.
edit: Gabe is a cardboard-tube-wielding samurai, periodically:
I have been a reader, just now and then opposed to all the time.
(Their Dead Rising spoof was fun.
Edit. Yeah, the detective agency sounds like a Sam & Max spinoff to me. Penny Arcade has never been anything about that kind of stuff before. I'd say it's a safe bet they have been watching Telltale and the success of Sam & Max Season 1 for awhile.
I don't know what happened to that project. I tried googling for it and looking through the PA news archives, but I can't remember when they were doing that, and there's little to no record of it anywhere else online.
The Game Detective Part two Part three
Sam and Max related bit: