Biff..what the hell is that????!!!!

edited March 2011 in Back to the Future
So iv not seen it asked or posted anywhere to my knowledge.... but where is the usually chase scene from the movies going to appear... 1st film, start from the diner into the street, que music , skateboard chase scene occurs....

second movie, 80s nostaliga diner ..que music hover board chase scene occurs...

third movie, saloon , chase through the town, not as good as the first 2 but meh

so wheres the 4th chase scene? wheres the hover board? what kind of chase ? any ideas anyone???


  • edited March 2011
    Wasn't there a semi-chase scene in Episode One?
  • edited March 2011
    There was already a chase scene in Episode 1.
  • edited March 2011
    There was already a chase scene in Episode 1.

    if your refering to the running into middle of the park , that was i agree so to say a "chase scene" but wheres the chase scene like the movies with in keepin with those ? ie biff lands into the manure truck ? hardly the same :(
  • edited March 2011
    I believe there was manure involved towards the end. Also, BTTF3's chase scene didn't end with Buford in manure. That didn't happen until the end either.
  • edited March 2011
    was an example, but look at the first movie, starts at the diner with marty and biff squaring up , then into the square, grabs the "skateboard" , walaa chase happens...

    2nd movie , similar thing, diner again , squares up, then onto the sqaure, this time "hoverboard"

    3rd movie - saloon (due to the diffrence of year) , a kind of sqaure up due to an insult etc, onto the main sqaure ends at clock tower with doc and the sniper rifle invention, so slight diffrences

    so where is the game equivilent to those is my question? diner, squaring up, etc etc
  • edited March 2011
    The game wont be a copy of the movie in different eras. Not everything will be 100% the same.
  • edited March 2011
    i understand that, but things are staying true to the movie etc so why werent those parts? i mean in my opinion they were big important parts of the films , ie the same as the parts when marty becomes unconcious and wakes up in 1955 - "safe and sound back in 1955" , movie 2 "safe and sound on good old 27th floor" , movie 3 - "mcfly farm"

    yes these are the films and i dont expect the game to be exact replicas of the film, but my question was merely why they arent in the game ? or will they be?

    post wasnt a criticism, just a question
  • edited March 2011
    rblurt84 wrote: »
    ie the same as the parts when marty becomes unconcious and wakes up in 1955 - "safe and sound back in 1955" , movie 2 "safe and sound on good old 27th floor" , movie 3 - "mcfly farm"

    I do believe that it's referenced at the beginning of Episode One.

    "Is everything okay?"
    "Yeah, Mom. It was just a nightmare. I was in the past and Doc was there."
    "Well you're safe and sound now, back in good old 1986."
  • edited March 2011
    yes i know that, that part isnt my question or point, lol, slowly losing the will to live on this question lmfao

    ok to reiterate - why cant there be, or will there be an awesome chase scene in relation to the mainly said 1st/2nd bttf movies????? lol
  • edited March 2011
    Simple. Marty can't go around riding a skateboard/hoverboard in 1931. Neither was invented yet.

    That said, there might be some climactic chase in the last episode.

    Oh, and in Episode 3
    after you break Biff's programming, there's a point where he stands up and towers over Marty with Marty looking over his shoulder like in BTTF1
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