what movies/shows/books did episode 3 remind you of?

For me it was demolition man:
wussified future, fines and demerits for every last thing, TOO clean, no privacy, censorship, people being told what to say, do, eat, drink. And doc and edna seemed to be similar to the dictator in demolition man Raymond Cocteau with Doc being the good side and edna being the evil side.


  • edited March 2011
    demolition man??? LOL! That movie copied a lot of better sci fi movies.

    Try Clockwork Orange and 1984.
  • Sinaz20Sinaz20 Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2011
    demolition man??? LOL! That movie copied a lot of better sci fi movies.

    Try Clockwork Orange and 1984.

    Thank you! I'll admit the episode is loaded with pop culture references and parallel narratives to films and fiction thematically related... but I like to think we dug deeper and stole from a better honed cinematic background ;)
  • edited March 2011
    Did anyone have the urge to include a reference to the "three seashells", I wonder?
  • edited March 2011
    demolition man??? LOL! That movie copied a lot of better sci fi movies.

    Try Clockwork Orange and 1984.
    I dunno. The society did seem more like the one in Demolition Man. The control in place wasn't anywhere near as repressive as it is in 1984 and the underground counter-culture isn't uncontrollably violent like in Clockwork Orange.
  • edited March 2011
    When Edna saw Einstein and pointed at him while screaming "DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOG!", it reminded me of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers. :P

  • edited March 2011
    Well, the Doc Brown shot at the To Be Continued title card was definitely A Clockwork Orange. The society per se looked indeed like Demolition Man.
  • edited April 2011
    There's a squawk box outside the McFly house, if you get Marty to use it, he quotes Han Solo. : 3 (You might have to try it a few times.)

    Also.... I won't say who, because I can't figure how to do the white text. But someone yells in Episode 3 that just reminds me of Kirk's dramatic yell in Wrath of Khan
  • edited April 2011
    If there are any Fringe fans on here, I just wanted to suggest that Episode 3 reminded me of the season arc of Season 1 with Olivia intent on tracking down William Bell, head of Massive Dynamics. The first season ends with the cliffhanger of all cliffhangers with Olivia in Bell's office in a parallel new york - the twin towers in fact! Did you guys get a similar vibe with the ending of Fringe Season 1 and when Marty finally got to meet Citizen Brown in his office?
  • edited April 2011

    did anyone see the 1971 cult movie, "A Clockwork Orange" ? it's quite disturbing, and the plot is very similar to what happened to poor Biff in this episode. I suggest you to see also this movie, if you hadn't yet.
  • edited April 2011
    I'm not sure how someone can not think of 1984 with this episode.

    If a work of fiction is about a totalitarian dictatorship, it's going to be borrowing something from Ol' Orwell. :p
  • edited April 2011
    I'm not sure how someone can not think of 1984 with this episode.

    If a work of fiction is about a totalitarian dictatorship, it's going to be borrowing something from Ol' Orwell. :p

    I thought of 1984 a long time ago when I saw the book on Edna's chair-side table in Episode 1. I knew it was going to come into play.
  • edited April 2011
    The whole episode reminded me a bit of an old movie called Back to the Future, it even had a flying DeLorean!
  • edited April 2011
    The whole episode reminded me a bit of an old movie called Back to the Future, it even had a flying DeLorean!

  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2011
    The whole episode reminded me a bit of an old movie called Back to the Future, it even had a flying DeLorean!

    I grinned. :D
  • The whole episode reminded me a bit of an old movie called Back to the Future, it even had a flying DeLorean!

    Actually funny you should say that because episode 3 seemed NOTHING like back to the future to me; barely any delorean and back to the future had a fun thing called TIME TRAVEL which episode 3 did not.
  • edited April 2011
    Actually funny you should say that because episode 3 seemed NOTHING like back to the future to me; barely any delorean and back to the future had a fun thing called TIME TRAVEL which episode 3 did not.

    Be thankful there was no manure.
  • edited April 2011
    The whole episode reminded me a bit of an old movie called Back to the Future, it even had a flying DeLorean!

    Actually, I think this episode only had a falling DeLorean.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2011
    Zionixion wrote: »
    Actually, I think this episode only had a falling DeLorean.

    Falling... with style.
  • edited April 2011
    This was VERY Back to the Future. The whole thing has been. Back to the Future barely had any time travel, it was all looking at the repercussions that the time travel had on everyone's lives, and there was a FUCKLOAD of that in this game.
  • edited April 2011
    Well, I did write them all out, but they went away. But counting all instances of time travel up, there are a total of 13 instances of time travel in the movies.
  • Well, I did write them all out, but they went away. But counting all instances of time travel up, there are a total of 13 instances of time travel in the movies.

    here they all are
    1. Einsteins maiden voyage in 1985
    2. Marty 1985 to 1955
    3. Marty 1955 to 1985
    4. Doc 1985 to 2015 (departure shown, arrival is not)
    5. Doc from unknown time to 1985 (departure not shown, arrival shown)
    6. Doc, Marty, Jennifer 1985 to 2015
    7. Biff 2015 to 1955 (offscreen)
    8. Biff 1955 to 2015 (offscreen)
    9. Doc, Marty, jennifer, Einstein 2015 to 1985
    10. Doc and Marty 1985 to 1955
    11. Doc 1955 to 1885 (departure shown, arrival is not)
    12. Marty 1955 to 1885
    13. Marty 1885 to 1985

    this is of course omitting the time train. Doc and biff may have travelled more when they had the time machine to themselves but this can not be confirmed.
  • edited April 2011
    It would have been so awesome prescient. Patch it in! :rolleyes:

    That's what I actually tell people when I say they have to see this: "Marty travels to 1984... if you know what I mean".

    BTTF indeed plays in 85 and the game in 86, but one could explain it with that timetravel 'splosion.
  • edited April 2011
    heh heh, nice one. I approve of this paradox. d'-'
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