Favorite Episode

What is your favorite episode? I liked episode 2 for its length, but episode 3 had some good twists. Episode 5 should be good. Say, what do you guys think?:cool:


  • edited April 2011
    I'm going to have to go with Citizen Brown. The episode was a welcome relief from the 1931 Hill Valley and offered more interactions between familiar characters than the previous two episodes. Claudia Wells and Christopher Lloyd both proved their strong voice acting abilities which really added to the episode. While the episode was still relatively short, the plot points were intriguing and it was great being back in the typical orange vest and jeans outfit.

    Episode three definitely has my vote.
  • edited April 2011
    I agree with Martin McFly, Citizen Brown. I'm kind of a sucker for alternate realities - and it was nice to get away from 1931 for a little while.
  • edited April 2011
    number 1. i won't see number 3 for a month!
    I like number 1 because of the newspapers on ednas couch. just like to hear the town papers veiw on hill valley.
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